Our understanding of COVID-19 is constantly progressing, giving better insight into the heterogeneous nature of its acute and long-term effects. Recent literature on the long-term health consequences of COVID-19 discusses the need for a comprehensive understanding of the multisystemic pathophysiology,...
Long-Term Effects of COVID-19 on Adolescentsdoi:10.20515/otd.993837Nepesov, Merve IseriAvsar, OzgeSari, ErdalYamanel, Rabia Gonul SezerOsmangazi Journal of Medicine / Osmangazi Tip Dergisi
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on global health, affecting millions of people and leading to widespread illness and death. While the acute phase of the pandemic has been well documented, there is growing recognition of the long-term effects of COVID-19, with many patients e...
➢ 英国国家卫生与临床优化研究所 (NICE) 则是对新冠感染后 4 至 12 周内发生的疾病(Ongoing symptomatic COVID-19, 亚急性感染期) 和持续超过 12 周的症状(Post- COVID-19 syndrome,新冠后综合征或慢性病 )进行了区分 5,6 Long COVID 的 4 个特点 特点1:人群广泛 所有年龄、所有程度的 COVID-19 ...
Figure1shows the Kaplan Meier Survival Curve of time to symptom end date in those self-reporting symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection, overall and by dominant variant at the time of infection. Figure2shows factors associated with having symptoms following COVID-19 persisting for ≥12 weeks (“Long ...
常见症状 世卫组织指出,“长新冠”常见症状包括疲劳、呼吸短促和认知功能障碍等。这些症状可能在从急性...
Another recent study has also found that about 1% of COVID-19 patients have persistent symptoms for one year or more, and long COVID-19 eases with time, according to a report by the Japan Times. 另据《日本时报》...
As COVID-19 can sometimes persist for months, besides the lungs, the virus can damage several organs in the body, such as heart and brain, potentially leading to the risk of long-term health problems. Nevertheless, the chances of having long COVID does not seem to be related to how ill...
2021年2月,在白宫新闻发布会上,福奇(Anthony S. Fauci)宣布了long covid的官方版本:PASC(post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection)。 从英语世界的使用来看,sequela这个词在新冠描述中不少见,它跟汉语的“后遗症”意思已经很贴近了,比如APA Dictionary of Psychology: ...
“The vaccine may protect against the long-term effects of COVID,” he adds. “We don’t know yet, but it’s a possible benefit.” Next up:Everything You Need to Know About the COVID Delta Variant, Including How Protected You Are if You're Vaccinated ...