今天来讲讲泰国LTR签证,全称为Long Term Resident Visa,是泰国内政部推出,由泰国投资委(BOI)负责执行和审批的签证,于2022年9月1日推出来后,因其一次性获批10年,还可享受泰国当地的福利政策,又被称之为是第二“泰国绿卡”,从2022年9月1日开放申请~2023年9月,这一年内,已经有4842名外国人申请了LTR签证。其中...
Thailand’s Long-Term Resident (LTR) Visa If you’re looking for a long-term stay in Thailand with fewer trips to immigration and more flexible working arrangements, the Thailand LTR visa (Long-Term Resident) is perfect for you. Whether you’re planning to work, invest, retire, or simply...
Thailand Long-Term Residence Visa Requirements Thailand Long-Term Resident Visa is offered to the four following categories: Wealthy Global Citizens Holding at least USD 1 million in assets. Personal income: min. USD 80,000/year in the past 2 years. Investment in Thailand: min. USD 500,000...
ข้อมูลที่เกี่ยวข้องกับการตรวจลงตราประเภท Long-Term Resident Visa (LTR Visa)
世界“躺平”签证: 泰国:Long-Term Resident Visa (LTR) 西班牙:Spain non-lucrative visa (NLV)葡萄牙:Portgul passive income (D7) visa 符合条件:有钱,有闲,有保险,没病,良民。 翻译一下:你努力...
泰国长期居留签证(Long Term Resident Visa),通过向目标人群及其家人提供在泰居留、购房、工作及进行商业投资等各方面的税收和非税收优惠,吸引新的外国居民、技术和人才,为国内支出和投资做出贡献。 适合人群:·全球富裕公民:申请者须拥有至少100万美元的个人资产,并在泰国投资50万美元以上。·富裕退休人士:年龄在50岁...
Thailand LTR (Long-term Resident) Visa 原标题:《Thailand LTR (Long-term Resident) Visa》
Introducing a new “Long-Term Resident (LTR) Visa” Opens in a new window Key contacts Kannika Boontaim Head of KPMG Law KPMG in Thailand Profile| Boonyaporn Donnapee Partner, KPMG Law KPMG in Thailand Profile| Pimyada Sawhetkanit
What is the longest visa for Japan? The Long-Term Resident visa in Japan is typically the longest visa category available, allowing foreign nationals to reside in the country for extended periods ranging from one year to up to five years or more. This visa status is granted to individuals wh...
Japan Long-Term Stay Visa There are several long-term visa types for Japan. The requirements and documents will differ depending on the applicant’s nationality and individual circumstances. Among the visa types for Japan, it is possible to obtain a work visa, general visa, or diplomatic visa....