Long-term spatio-temporal social vulnerability variation considering health-related climate change parameters particularly affecting elderly. Nat. Hazards 2013, 68, 1371-1384. [CrossRef]Aubrecht, C.; Steinnocher, K.; Kostl, M.; Zuger, J.; Loibl, W. Long-term spatio-temporal social vulnerability...
Energy efficiency Next-generation healthcare Industrial productivity Intelligent infrastructure solutions Thinking for the long term Providing answers Annual Report 2013 siemens.com Energy efficiency Next-generation healthcare Industrial productivity Intelligent infrastructure solutions Siemens at a glance Fiscal ...
Energy efficiency Next-generation healthcare Industrial productivity Intelligent infrastructure solutions Thinking for the long term Providing answers Annual Report 2013 siemens.com Energy efficiency Next-generation healthcare Industrial productivity Intelligent infrastructure solutions Siemens at a glance Fiscal ...
Expression of HGF, pMet, and pAkt is related to benefit of radiotherapy after breast-conserving surgery: A long-term follow-up of the SweBCG91-RT randomised trialbreast cancerradiotherapytreatment predictionMetHGFAktExperimental studies suggest that hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and its ...
The default ROI and transect orientations were established to optimize the shoreline extraction and to remove effects from back barrier shorelines, persistent ponding landward of the beaches, and some large parking lots that were spectrally similar to water and therefore caused erroneous shoreline ...
An IoT Based Smart Parking System Using LoRa. In Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery, CyberC, Zhengzhou, China, 18–20 October 2018; pp. 151–154. 23. Alkhatib, A.A.A. Wireless Sensor Network for Forest Fire Detection...
We should care when majestic structures are razed to pave another parking lot, but we should also be cognizant of the larger societal forces at play, and continually endeavor to better understand the consequences of sprawl on our communities and environment. ...
Gabriella StlbergLisa EkseliusLeif H. LindstrmDan LarhammarRobert BodénElsevier B.V.Schizophrenia ResearchStalberg G, Ekselius L, Lindstrom LH, Larhammar D and Boden R. Neuropeptide Y, social function and long-term outcome in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia research. 2014; 156:223-227....