The interest rate risk of the Group was mainly associated with the Company’s interest bearing long term liabilities. 本集團的利率風險主要來自公司的有 息 長期負 債,本 集團主要採用調 整 債務期限 的方式來控制利率風險。 Repayment of long-term bank loans as wel...
The terms of such loans vary marginally between the FIs, but include, in general: i. An upfront fee @ 1.05 per cent on loan amount as administration charges. ii. Interest @ 18 to 21 per cent per annum for Rupee term loan and London Inter-Bank Offered Rate (LIBOR) + 2% for foreign...
but unissued,termloans,otherborrowings or indebtedness in the nature of borrowings including bank overdrafts,liabilitiesunder acceptances(otherthannormal trade bills), acceptable [...] 除上文所披露及除本集團內公司間在一般業務過程中所產生的負債及正常貿易應付賬款外,...
Services that assist firms in making short-terminvestments. Short-term solvency ratios Ratios used to judge the adequacy of liquid assets for meeting short-term obligations as they come due, including 1) the current ratio, 2) the acid-test ratio, 3) the inventory turnover ratio, and 4) the...
Long-term loans have fixed repayment schedules of principal and interest on a monthly or quarterly basis. What Are the Credit Requirements? Lenders have different credit requirements for short-term and long-term borrowings. Since short-term loans are normally secured with inventory and receivables,...
corporations, partnerships and other business entities (“Borrowers”) which operate in various industries and geographical regions. Secured Loans pay interest at rates which are determined periodically on the basis of a floating base lending rate, primarily the London-Interbank Offered Rate, plus a ...
and Financial Statements 30 September 2013 1 BlackRock Frontiers Investment Trust plc Investment Objective The Company's investment objective is to achieve long term capital growth from investment in companies listed or operating in Frontier Markets (defined as ...
dollar and shorter average tenor of placements, partly offset by the higher average level of dollar investments; (iv) an increase in net financing costs by Php409 million mainly due to higher interest on loans and other related items on account of higher outstanding long-term debts, 4Q 2012 ...
The company today updated its long-term goals for fiscal 2015 to 2017. The company expects: Same-store sales growth of 2 to 3 percent annually atJack in the Boxcompany restaurants and 3 to 4 percent annually at Qdoba company re...
The increase in net interest income reflects growth in interest income on loans of$3.3 milliondue to higher outstanding balances, partially offset by higher interest expense due to an increase in borrowings to fund balance sheet growth and higher deposit costs. The cost of interest-bea...