如下介绍的产品特征是基于美国的长期护理险(LTC)。 当受险人自理能力下降或因疾病丧失活动能力时,长期护理险就会生效并承担医疗护理或家政服务的费用。 救济金如何生效:美国的此类保险是否生效是依靠日常自理能力事项(ADLs:Activities of Daily Living)能实现的数量来判断的。 ADLs 通常包括(1)自行洗澡(2)自行穿衣(3...
Because long term care can be very expensive, it’s important to protect yourself from big medical bills. That’s why so many people find a long term care insurance plan. By spending just a little money on insurance premiums now, you can make sure you’ll have care for the future. It...
Canada, and the United Kingdom. While similar products do exist in other countries, they often have other names and the setup can also be very different. When it comes to long-term care insurance, the insurer will strive to create a product that is tailor-made for the market where it ...
网络释义 1. 保险 ● 长期照料或疗养院保险(Long-term-care insurance)要注意的地方是很多只保第一级或skilled nursing的疗养院服务,即最严 … www.ubroad.cn|基于5个网页 2. 长期照料或疗养院保险 旅美资讯-了解美国医疗保险的种类 ... ●长期照料或疗养院保险(Long-term-care insurance) ● 牙齿保险( De...
长期护理险(Long term care insurance) 主要是为被保险人在丧失日常生活能力、年老患病或身故时,侧重于提供护理保障和经济补偿的制度安排。目前,全球有社会保险和商业保险两种形式。 护理保险产生于20世纪7...
网络长期健康保险 网络释义 1. 长期健康保险 保险术语保险产品、市场和营销... ... 短期健康保险 short term health insurance长期健康保险long term health insurance... hybxbk.blog.bokee.net|基于 1 个网页 例句
Long-term care insurance is a specialized form of insurance designed to cover a range of services aimed at assisting individuals managing chronic illnesses, disabilities, or other conditions that demand prolonged care. Unlike traditional health insurance, which mainly focuses on medical procedures and ...
长期护理保险(Long-term Care Insurance) 长期护理保险是为因年老、疾病或伤残而需要长期照顾的 被保险人 提 供护理服务费用补偿的 健康保险 魏华林,林宝清.《保险学》[M] .高等教育出版社,2006年3月第2版。 这是一种主要负担老年人的专业护理、 家庭护理及其他相关服务项目费用支出的新型健康保险...
Long-term care insurance coverage provides for the care of people over age 65 or with a chronic or disabling condition who need constant care.
1. Short-Term Care Insurance Short-term care insurance, also known as convalescent insurance, typically offers $100 to $200 per day of healthcare coverage for one year or less. Since there is no long-term commitment for the insurance companies, the premiums are normally lower than traditional...