根据第一段和第二段“Children with long-term health conditions, such as asthma (哮喘), may be at greater risk of developing a mental health disorder in early adolescence compared to healthy children, according to a new study.”一项...
【题目】 Childrenwithlong-termhealthcondition s, suchasasthma(哮喘 ), maybeatgreaterris kofdevelopingamentalhealthdisorderinearlyadoles cencecomparedtohealthychildren, accordingtoan ewstudy.T hefindings, publishedinthejournalDevelop mentandPsychopathology, showthatkidswithchr onicillnessexhibithigherratesof...
There are so many benefits of eating cherries that I could talk about them for weeks. Regularly eating cherries, especially tart cherries, will give you so many amazing health benefits. These little red gems are full of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and they are anti-inflammatory as well....
It was a"complex environmental disaster"that would require long-term study,tweets Senator J.D.Vance.NEW YORK,Feb.15(Xinhua)--Residents in and around the village of East Palestine,in the Midwestern U.S.state of Ohio,feared for their health and concerns have mounted about the environmental effe...
These findings highlight the dynamic relationship between obesity evolution and brain-cognitive health, underscoring the clinical importance of long-term monitoring and management of obesity through a multifaceted approach. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution Access ...
Long-term health-related quality of life of living liver donors:what should the transplant team know? liverdonorpatientsLiving-donor liver transplantation(LDLT)has been established as an alternative to deceased donor liver transplantation as a treatment option for patients with end-stage liver disease....
Long-term health effects of pet food containing heavy metals: Are they safe? TOPICS:ArsenicCadmiumChemical ElementsChemistryDog FoodEndocrine DisruptorsHeavy MetalsMetals For millions of Americans, pets are family. They live in our homes, sleep on our beds, and help tell the story of our lives....
Language : English Anne Bavelaar teaches you some easy tricks to improve your physical and mental health to benefit you during your working day. She also reveals the secret and science behind her Power Breaks. Free 30-day trial Professional Plus subscriptionfreefor the first30 days, then$6.99/...
There was a six-fold increase in EDattendance ratesin those with four or morelong term healthconditions, compared to those with no such conditions. People in the most deprived areas with four or more long term conditions, who also smoked, had almost three times the rate of ED attendance, ...
The researchers said future studies could examine how the duration of unemployment affects health, since long-term unemployment may be more damaging to a person’s health. Reference: “The Life Course of Unemployment and Midlife Health” by Adrianne Frech, Ph.D.; Sarah Damaske, Ph.D. and Adr...