Long-term care needs of the elderly in Korea and elderly long-term care insurance. Kim Suk-Hee,Kim Deok Hwan,Kim Woong Soo. Social work in public health . 2010SUK-HEE KIM,DEOK HWAN KIM,Woong Soo Kim.Long-Term Care Needs of the Elderly in Korea and ElderlyLong-Term Care Insurance....
1.A research on establishing the long-term care insurance system in China构建我国老年护理保险制度研究 英文短句/例句 1.Aging Population and Study of the Construction of the Nursing for the Aged Insurance System of Our Country;人口老龄化与构建我国老年护理保险体系研究 2.Reform of Japanese Elderly Ca...
1. A research on establishing the long-term care insurance system in China 构建我国老年护理保险制度研究更多例句>> 2) Elderly care insurance system 老年护理保险体系 例句>> 3) nursing care insurance system for the elderly 老年护理保险制度 1. The cost of nursing care for the elderly agr...
the number of seniors who are disabled or suffer from cognitive impairments continues to grow in China. It is therefore a vital public health problem that long-term care is provided to the elderly. It is of practical s...
2.Germany started to implement compulsory long-term care insurance system since 1995,aiming at meeting the potential and basic care needs.德国从1995年开始实施强制性长期护理保险制度,长期护理满足全体居民潜在的、基本的护理需求。 3.Long-term care insurance for the elderly will become a serious social ...
长期照料商业保险(long term care private insurance) 下载积分: 100 内容提示: L o n g - T e r m C a r e S y s t e m sLong-Term Care In TheUnited States: AnOverviewA complex system of public and private funding often leaveselderly persons at risk of financial catastrophe and ...
Long-term care expenditures represent one of the largest uninsured financial risks facing the elderly. Medicaid provides incomplete insurance against these costs: unlimited nursing home benefits with a deductible equal to the savings and income above the means-testing limits. While private insurance is ...
caretermlongtermcareinsurance照料 Long-TermCareInThe UnitedStates:An Overview Acomplexsystemofpublicandprivatefundingoftenleaves elderlypersonsatriskoffinancialcatastropheandinadequate care. byJudithFeder,HarrietL.Komisar,andMarleneNiefeld PROLOGUE:ElderlyAmericansarejustabouttheonlygroupof U.S.citizenswhosehealth...
andthepopulationoflaterstage elderlypeople(age75andover)isestimatedtoincreaseaftertheyear2015. ■Inordertoappropriatelydealwithnursingcareissuespeculiartoagingsocieties,thelong-termcare insurancesystemstartedinApril2000sothatpeoplewhoneednursingcarecanhaveenoughsocial support.Afteritslaunch,therewasafastincreaseinthe...
This article examines the Long-Term Care Insurance (LTCI) program for the elderly in Japan. LTCI is presented as Japan's policy approach to the growing need for care for the elderly. The paper describes the context around which the policy was developed, describes details about the policy, ...