This study uncovers the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on QoL of patients with cancer and how long COVID manifests in this cohort. Methods: A group of 96 patients with cancer was followed from March 2022 till March 2023. Online questionnaires assessing symptoms associated with long COVID, ...
As COVID-19 can sometimes persist for months, besides the lungs, the virus can damage several organs in the body, such as heart and brain, potentially leading to the risk of long-term health problems. Nevertheless, the chances of having long COVID does not seem to be related to how ill...
回顾这些提示(,以帮助为COVID后遗症病症的保健提供者预约做准备。此外,还有许多正在组织的支持小组,可以帮助病人和他们的护理人员。 尽管COVID后遗症的状况在儿童和青少年中似乎比在成人中更少见,但COVID-19后的长...
Nature旗下的《科学报告》在2021年八月的文章《More than 50 long-term effects of COVID-19: a sys...
subset of participants who had been given at least one dose of COVID vaccine before their infections, that vaccination appeared to help reduce if not eliminate the risk of some long COVID symptoms. People with severe i...
美国的疾控中心也有相关介绍,而且在美国新冠后遗症可被视为一种残疾。其他具体情况感兴趣的小伙伴可以自行前往了解,有中文界面,对中国人来说十分友好(。 美国政府问责局在今年3月份发表了新冠后遗症的相关研究报告,简单来说新冠后遗症...
Background: The long-term sequela of COVID-19 on young people is still unknown. This systematic review explored the effect of COVID-19 on lung imaging and function, cardiorespiratory symptoms, fatigue, exercise capacity and functional capacity in children and adolescents ≥ 3 months after infectio...
This current retrospective study aims to investigate the impact of COVID 19 and the long-term effects of the pandemic on migraine characteristics and psychological symptoms. Our main aims were: (1) to explore differences in migraine characteristics between the pre-COVID and COVID-19 periods; (2...
The COVID-19 pandemic is having a lasting impact on health and well-being. We compare current self-reported health, quality of life and symptom profiles for people with ongoing symptoms following COVID-19 to those who have never tested positive for SARS-
Even if you’ve already had COVID, you should get vaccinated, says Dr. Bonilla. “The vaccine may protect against the long-term effects of COVID,” he adds. “We don’t know yet, but it’s a possible benefit.” Next up:Everything You Need to Know About the COVID Delta Variant, ...