Recent reports also highlight the risk of long-term sequelae in those recovering from acute COVID-19, affecting almost all organs such as the skin, respiratory system, cardiovascular system, neuropsychiatric system, and renal system. The long-term effects of COVID-19, in hospitaliz...
目前英文把这种感染新冠急性期过后出现不同长期病症统称为Long COVID, 或Post-acute Sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC)。研究估计可能有 10%~30% 的冠状病毒感染者可能会出现长期症状。 目前中文翻译名称不一致,比如长期新冠,长期COVID, 或COVID...
LongCovid(长期新冠)最开始是由患者群体自行命名的,也有人称之post-COVID-19syndrome(新冠后遗症),post-COVID-19condition(后新冠状态),post-acutesequelaeofCOVID-19(新冠急性后遗症),orchronicCOVIDsyndrome(新冠慢性病症)等等。目前对于该症状英文命名以LongCovid为主,而中文则为新冠后遗症。 它指代的是感染...
Long Covid(长期新冠)最开始是由患者群体自行命名的,也有人称之post-COVID-19 syndrome(新冠后遗症), post-COVID-19 condition(后新冠状态), post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 (新冠急性后遗症), or chronic COVID syndrome (新冠慢性病症)等等。目前对于该症状英文命名以Long Covid为主,而中文则为新冠后...
Risk factors contributing to Long-COVID syndrome SARS-CoV-2 infection is the primary reason causing the long-term effects on human brain and memory. Immune dysfunction induced by SARS-CoV-2 infection, the cytokine storm, syncytial formation, and autoantibodies could be the potential factors affectin...
在这个过程中,long covid、long-haul covid、post-acute covid-19、postcovid syndrome和chronic covid-19 等词同时使用,表达相似意思。 现在我们在医学四大刊、NSC (Nature、Science、Cell) 等医学顶刊和WHO官网上检索,都能看到long covid/covid-19等词的身影。
Multi-inflammatory syndrome (MIS) sequelae are rare but severe complications following acute COVID-19 infection in previously symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals that present a few weeks after initial infection.116 Although this syndrome was first documented in children younger than 21 years old (MI...
随着新冠持续流 行和新冠康复者数量增加,越来越多证据表明较高比例的新冠患者在核酸检测转阴后,可能 存在多个器官和系统的长期影响,这种情况通常被称作: 新冠肺炎长期症状(Long COVID)。 除了 Long COVID,其常用名还包括:COVID Long hauler、post COVID syndrome、post COVID conditions、post-acute COVID-19 ...
COVID-19; lung imaging and function; cardiorespiratory symptoms; children1. Background The Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pathogen, has resulted in approximately 615 million confirmed cases of SARS-CoV-2 and 6.5 ...
The COVID-19 pandemic is having a lasting impact on health and well-being. We compare current self-reported health, quality of life and symptom profiles for people with ongoing symptoms following COVID-19 to those who have never tested positive for SARS-