long-term care policy are discussed.Crocker Houde, SusanGautam, RamrajKai, IchiroJournal of Gerontological NursingOzawa, M. N. & Nakayama, S. ( 2005 ). Long-term care insurance in Japan . Journal of Aging & ...
A public long-term care (LTC) insurance program is likely to be introduced to Japan in the year 2000. A consensus on the need for more LTC resources in the rapidly aging society and dissatisfaction with the current system are some of the factors that have contributed to its introduction. Ha...
It will likely increase further due to the rapidly aging population of Japan. One in four Japanese citizens will be over 75 by 2025, consequently, spending on the pension system, healthcare, long-term care, and welfare will further surge. Show more - Description Published by , Mar 11, ...
Originality/value of chapterAs Japan's new insurance scheme for the elderly has been studied by many aging nations, recommendations for more comprehensive plans are suggested including building a community-based support system into the Long Term Care Insurance scheme to prevent social isolation and ...
A public long-term care (LTC) insurance program is likely to be introduced to Japan in the year 2000. A consensus on the need for more LTC resources in the rapidly aging society and dissatisfaction with the current system are some of the factors that have contributed to its introduction. ...
PolicyDesignBasicFeaturesandFutureOrientationoftheLong-Term 系统标签: 护理保险长期政策日本japan 经济与管理(月刊)2013年第8期 ·· 摘要:在人口老龄化日趋严峻、长期护理保障政策准备严重不足的双重压力下,如何应对持续增长的老年长期护理 需求将给我国社会保障体系带来重要挑战。历经十余年的发展,日本成功构筑起社会...
Since the 1980s, the theory of New Public Management has had widespread influence throughout Europe in the field of welfare. A cross-national comparison shows that since the 1990s there has been a growing trend toward the introduction of both private con
1ThisarticleispublishedinapeerreviewedsectionoftheInternationalJournalofIntegratedCare InternationalJournalofIntegratedCare–Vol.1,1September2001–ISSN1568-4156–http://.ijic/ Long-termcareinsuranceandintegratedcarefortheagedin Japan ShinyaMatsuda,ProfessorofDepartmentofPreventiveMedicineandCommunityHealth,Schoolof...
( G e n e r a l M e d ic in e )德日长期护理保险模式及其启示吴贵明1’ 2, 钟洪亮2T h em o d e ls o flo n g - te r mc a r e in su r a n c e inG e r m a n ya n dJa p a na n dth e irim p lic a tio n sf o rC h in a //W u G u im in g ,...
摘要: Describes the long-term care (LTC) insurance program to be introduced in Japan in the year 2000. The need for more LTC in Japan and how the plan will work; Background of universal coverage in Japan; Potential problems of implementation of the LTC program; Conclusion....