Even if you have a long-term care insurance policy, you may likely be hoping that you won't ever have reason to use it. Regardless of what the future holds, there's one silver lining of which you may not be aware. That is, premiums on many long-term care insurance policies are in ...
Reports that long-term-care insurance premiums paid in 1997, are qualified for a deduction including policies issued before 1997, due to guidelines issued by the Inland Revenue Service. Amount of deduction to an in...
regional or capitalisation limits, at least 70% of its total assets in equity securities. The Fund may invest in equity securities that, in the opinion of the Investment Adviser, have a sustained competitive advantage and will typically be held over a long-term horizon. Currency exposure is fle...
7 Ping An Insurance 3.5% 8 HDFC Bank 3.3% 9 Sea Limited 2.8% 10 Meituan 2.6% Total 47.6% As the Fund invests in overseas securities, changes in the rates of exchange may cause the value of your investment (and any income it may pay) to go down or up. The informati...
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If you are reading this because you have been denied your short term or long term disability benefits, you are experiencing one of the most stressful periods in your life. You thought that the insurance company would help you when you became disabled, but it has let you down by denying you...
pandemic response period (Wei et al.2023; Ding and Zhong2021). The dual emergence of families exhibiting strong resilience in the face of COVID-19, juxtaposed with the long-term degradation of family structures in numerous nations, is intriguing. China provides a particularly good case for ...
Expectations of long-term consumption growth International comparisons China’s economy recently reached $12,000 in GDP per capita (sometime between 2021 and 2023, depending upon what year’s exchange rate is used), a level that is usually associated with the high end of “middle income” in ...
Consider other needs for your tax returns before you discard old copies. For example, your insurance company or a creditor may require you to hang onto copies longer than the IRS may suggest. The Sections of a Tax Return In general, tax returns have three major sections where you can report...
Presents a question and answer advisory on the financial aspects of medical care in the United States. Considerations in the selection of retirement plan for physicians; Details on tax ramification in long...