如下介绍的产品特征是基于美国的长期护理险(LTC)。 当受险人自理能力下降或因疾病丧失活动能力时,长期护理险就会生效并承担医疗护理或家政服务的费用。 救济金如何生效:美国的此类保险是否生效是依靠日常自理能力事项(ADLs:Activities of Daily Living)能实现的数量来判断的。 ADLs 通常包括(1)自行洗澡(2)自行穿衣(3...
另外,近些年在全国探索建立长期照护体系到过程中,经常为Long Term Care是长期照护还是长期护理争执不休,不仅影响了基层的养老服务,还直接影响了政府的决策过程。因此,十分有必要正本清源,还长期照护的正确定义和内涵。 Long Term Care不是长期护理 在近...
IN MY PRACTICE: Shrinking dollars for long-term careK. Singer
By analyzing the survey data from both Shanghai and Hubei,the results show that institutional care has not yet been widely accepted among rural elders in China.The willingness of long-term care(LTC)arrangement differs significantly across the regions;formal LTC arrangement is more acceptable in more...
The 49 national-level long-term care insurance pilots in China have had strong initial results, relieving some of the economic and logistical burdens faced by the disabled older adults and their families. Non-pilot regions ...
In either case, Long-Term Care insurance helps meet these needs. When medical conditions such as Alzheimer’s, diabetes, stroke or injury from an accident occur, you or a loved one may be unable to perform daily tasks such as eating, bathing, getting dressed or using the restroom. Long-...
Public provision of long-term care (LTC) will pose an increasing challenge to the sustainability of public finances in the EU, due to an ageing population. In this view, the paper aims to provide indications on the timing and potential fiscal impact associated to changes in the demographic str...
Long-term care insurance coverage provides for the care of people over age 65 or with a chronic or disabling condition who need constant care.
摘要: A significant proportion of people living with dementia will live and stay in long-term care settings. Consequently care homes have an important role to play in the provision of supportive care for people with dementia. For people with dementia who reside in care关键词:...