Along with the good zero, it will help, but not be 100% necessary, to have reliable velocity data. This does not come from shooting three shots over some time of a chronograph. If you get the data for your 9-12 shot zero group I described above, you will have a good representation ...
The initial snapshot at gopls startup does not await IWL On startup, an async IWL routine runs go list and lazy loads package data into the currently "active" snapshot While this async routine has not completed, language server RPCs which rely on all workspace packages being loaded (such ...
Gunwerks is all about the perfect shot which is why we created our pioneering long-range shooting school. We train to hunt, and success is the only outcome worthy of pursuit. With our modern approach to long-range training, you'll achieve more capability
When flying long flights the “GPS LOI” message appears and I did not find a way to remove it. It started to occur after the latest sim update. I did not find a workaround to get rid of the message during flight. Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered: Detailed s...
I can vouch that 120 grain .260 Rem. loads are excellent for hunting Whitetail deer. I have owned a Ruger Model 77 Mark II rifle chambered in .260 Rem. since 2003. It has felled six or seven deer (I do not recall which), all with 120 grain loads. All have been one shot kills,...
(BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<String> snapshot) { if (snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.waiting) { log("you shouldn't see this loading..."); return CircularProgressIndicator(); } else if (snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.done) { return Text( 'Data: ${Provider....
The second problem is (... Or wuz...) magazines. It may be a bit different now, but ya had to modify mags for em. I used the Lancer 30 rounders with a Sinclair single shot follower... That turns a $ 20 AR mag into a $45 one. Mag capacity goes down considerably. A 30 rounde...
[Survival] When sleeping, the save file screenshot will now occur after the player transitions from sleep, instead of during the transition. [Survival] Players can now place a Rifle on the gun rack found in the Hunting Lodge. [Survival] Cancelling while drinking Coffee will now award the app...
The pattern of the LEDs in the air is the same patterh as the logic analyzer display. LAC displays a snapshot of ONE LOOP of thepinIncrementloop. WOW! Now hit < ENTER > to sample and refresh the lac terminal display. Notice that the when the trigger pin is set to 0 (the default)...
Added screenshot feature while in the loader (Press Z+c). Support more sound formats: AIF/MP3/OGG/BNS/WAV now with no file size limit (streaming). Support for the new Homebrew Channel (1.0.7+) when exiting the loader. Support for the<no_ios_reload/>tag in the meta.xml for AHBPROT...