经济不会出现长时间的过剩(surplus)也不会出现长时间的短缺(shortage),价格的自由调整会让经济趋近均衡状态(Equilibrium)。所以失业不会持续很久,但这无法解释大萧条(The Great Depression)期间主要资本主义国家长达10年的高失业状态(当然高失业也可能是政府不适当干预造成的)。 相反,凯恩斯(John Maynard Keynes)认为经...
long-run industry supply curve长期产业供给曲线 是指在经过各项调整(例如工厂规模与该产业中工厂数量的变化)之后,市场价格与该产业供给量之间的关系曲线。 long-run macroeconomics equilibrium长期宏观经济均衡 是指在真实GDP笔于潜在GDP的情况下,经济在长期总供给曲线上的情形。 long-short investing 多空投资 是指投...
long-run industry supply curve长期产业供给曲线 是指在经过各项调整(例如工厂规模与该产业中工厂数量的变化)之后,市场价格与该产业供给量之间的关系曲线。 long-run macroeconomics equilibrium长期宏观经济均衡 是指在真实GDP笔于潜在GDP的情况下,经济在长期总供给曲线上的情形。 long-short investing 多空投资 是指投...
Business cycles are often the driving force in long-run macroeconomics. The stage where strong supply and demand equilibrium exists can represent abusiness cyclepeak. The peak can indicate a point where little or no major growth occurs in the economy, though the economy is running well. At some...
The notion of equilibrium and the distinction between two kinds, long run and short, has been fundamental to almost all economic analysis of the past century. By contrast, the classics and Marx sought for the ‘laws of motion’ of capitalism. These latte
and P. MelcRRNco (1990): The long run of macroeconometric models. In: P. Champsaur et al; Essays in Honour of Edmond Malinuaud. VoI. 2: Macroeconomics. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.Deleau, M., C. Le Van and P. Malgrange (1988), The Long Run of Macroeconometric Models, CEP...
The long run Phillips curve is vertical, because the tradeoff that exists between unemployment and inflation in the short run doesn't exist in the long run. After a short run deviation, prices adjust, and the curve moves back towards its long-run equilibrium as employers and employees adjust ...
The purpose of this paper is to calculate pruchasing power parity rates and the real exchange rate using several methods of calculation to estimate long-run equilibrium real exchange rates in transition economies, mainly in Eastern European countries considered in transition, such as Poland. The auth...
摘要: Using a simple general-equilibrium, small open economy model, we show that the principal comparative statics paradoxes under factor-market distortions disappear if the equilibrium is Marshallian stable, and that the latter holds if it is a stable long-run equilibrium under capital adjustment....
Unlike the long run, the short run involves at least onefactor of productionthat is fixed while all the others are variable while the costs are fixed so there is no equilibrium between these factors. This means there is no flexibility when it comes to the inputs or outputs since the costs...