Specialist 4 Danny Harmon and Sergeant Ronald Bonert, two veteran Long Range Reconnaissance Platoons (LRRPs), who were tapped for one last mission in Vietnam taking them deep into enemy territory. It notes Harmon...
The mass range avoids the region of the SM b-quark states, but also takes into account the forward acceptance of the LHCb detector within which the decay products of relatively light LLPs can be efficiently detected. The LLP signature is a displaced vertex made of charged particle tracks ...
The LLP life- time range considered is 5–100 ps, i.e. larger than the typical b-hadron lifetime. It corresponds to an average flight distance of up to 30 cm, well inside the LHCb vertex detector. One of the production mechanisms considered in detail is the decay into two LLPs of a...
Keywords: long range communication; illegal cutting log; wireless sensor network; tracking and monitoring; sound sensor; accelerometer sensor 1. Introduction The large-scale forest degradation affects the forest ecosystem and human life. There are several causes of forest degradation in Southeast Asia; ...