Long rangeGraph transformerEarly rumor detectionSociety is now situated in an epoch where the creation and spread of fake news have become remarkably effortless. Hence, conducting early rumor detection tasks is imperative. To handle this task, a key ideal is to model the interactive information ...
AccFlow: Backward Accumulation for Long-Range Optical Flow Guangyang Wu1,2∗ Xiaohong Liu1† Kunming Luo5‡ Xi Liu2‡ Qingqing Zheng3 Shuaicheng Liu2 Xinyang Jiang4 Guangtao Zhai1 Wenyi Wang2† 1Shanghai Jiao Tong University 2University of Electronic Science and Te...
存在一些问题限制了基于transformer的LSTF模型的性能:(i)不考虑序列之间的潜在相关性;(ii)编码器-解码器的固有结构从复杂度上来说,经过优化后难以扩展。 AGCNT具有以下特点:(i)概率自适应图自注意,通过自适应图生成将长序列映射到一个低维密集图结构,并通过自适应图卷积捕获序列之间的关系;(ii)提取概率图自注意...
Average index values range from 30,2855 (the average value of the S&P GSCI COCOA index) to 4098.407 (the average value of the S&P GSCI Commodity index). The S&P GSCI Livestock index is the raw materials index with the highest average value (2629.093), followed by the Industrial Metals (...
max_gradient_norm, is often set to a value like 5 or 1. The last step is selecting the optimizer. The Adam optimizer is a common choice. We also select a learning rate. The value oflearning_ratecan is usually in the range 0.0001 to 0.001; and can be set to decrease as training ...
.github/workflows Update python-publish.yml Sep 6, 2023 experiments readme and xp Oct 13, 2022 img add graph for efficiency Mar 15, 2023 lsg_converter fix buffers for transformers>=4.36.0 Dec 18, 2023 .gitignore fix buffers for transformers>=4.36.0 ...
Everyone affected by COVID-19 does not require to get hospitalized, but they possess a broad range of several symptoms and severity levels. The nature of long-lasting problems raised by COVID-19 may be very wide-ranging and can include various symptoms such as fatigue, breathlessness, anxiety...
ACM Trans. Graph. (TOG) 2006, 25, 637–645. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] He, C.; Chen, F.; Long, A.; Qian, Y.; Tang, H. Improving the precision of monthly runoff prediction using the combined non-stationary methods in an oasis irrigation area. Agric. Water Manag. 2023, 279, ...
构建了base基类(网络(graph)、向量嵌入(词、字、句子embedding)),后边的具体模型继承它们,代码简单 keras_layers存放一些常用的layer, conf存放项目数据、模型的地址, data存放数据和语料, data_preprocess为数据预处理模块, 模型与论文paper题与地址 FastText:Bag of Tricks for Efficient Text Classification ...
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) effectively recognized local textual patterns, while long short-term memory (LSTM) models captured long-range relationships and sequential information. These models could provide valuable information for lawyers, enhancing investigations, evaluations, policymaking, legal ...