A short radius elbow means that its radius of curvature is equal to the outer diameter of the tube, ie R = D. Where D is the diameter of the elbow and R is the radius of curvature.
Long Radius Elbow VS Short Radius Elbow When to choose a long radius elbow or a short radius elbow? There are two types of pipe sizes for process installation, namely pipe outer diameter and nominal size. D, DN, refers to the nominal size of the pipe. It does not represent the inner ...
【概要描述】长半径弯头 long radius elbow 弯曲半径等于1.5倍管子公称直径的弯头。 管道配件中:长半径弯头 long radius elbow的术语: 长半径弯头 long radius elbow 弯曲半径等于1.5倍管子公称直径的弯头。 河北中燃管道有限公司是一家集研制、生产、销售和服务于一体的大型的管道装备制造企业:可生产管道管件、弯管...
elbow bend 弯管,肘管,直角弯头 elbow catch 门轧头 相似单词 elbow n. [C] 1.肘;(衣服的)肘部 2.肘状物;(路,河等的)急弯;弯头;弯管 3.(椅子等的)扶手 v. [T] 1.用肘推,挤进 v. [I] 1.用肘挤着前进 radius n. 1.半径(长度) 2.半径范围,周围 3.桡骨 elbow to elbow 靠得很近...
定义长半径弯头long radius elbow 长半径弯头是指弯头的曲率半径为管子直径的1.5倍;如果大于1.5倍了,就是弯管的范畴了.短半径弯头是指弯头的曲率半径等于管子的直径,也就是常说的1倍的."倍"也被写做英文字母D.是一个意思的.长半径的是最常用的,一般默认也是长半径的,压力高或者流速高的地方... 转自:http:...
1) long radius elbow 长径肘管;大半径弯头2) long sweep ell 大弯管半径弯头3) long turn elbow 大弯曲半径弯管4) long radius return 长半径180°弯头5) reducing elbow 渐缩弯头,变径肘管;变径弯头6) radius of elbow 弯管半径补充资料:利用小半径模具弯制大半径管件 高档汽车座椅因座椅形状需要,...
elbow meter 弯管流量计 elbow pipe 弯管,肘管 相似单词 elbow n. [C] 1.肘;(衣服的)肘部 2.肘状物;(路,河等的)急弯;弯头;弯管 3.(椅子等的)扶手 v. [T] 1.用肘推,挤进 v. [I] 1.用肘挤着前进 radius n. 1.半径(长度) 2.半径范围,周围 3.桡骨 elbow to elbow 靠得很近的;摩...
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When the ends differ in size,it is known as a reducer elbow.According to bend degree, there are 90 degree elbow and 45 degree elbow; according to length, there are long radius elbow and short radius elbow.Due to the elbow with good comprehensive ...