Owing to heart rate sensitivity of the QT interval, this parameter is corrected (normalized) to heart rate (as reflected by the beat-to-beat "RR" inter- val), yielding the "QTc." QT and QTc can both be expressed in msec or sec. Adapted from Liu BA, Juurlink DN. N Engl J Med ...
Prolonged QTDynaMed Levels of Evidence Quickly find and determine the quality of the evidence. DynaMed provides easy-to-interpret Level of Evidence labels so users can quickly find and determine the quality of the best available evidence. Evidence may be labeled in one of three levels: 1Level ...
Yak is one of the largest ruminants living in the areas with the highest average altitude in the world and physiologically adapted to hypoxic and cold environment. The domestic yak normally lives between 3000 and 5000 m above sea level while the wild yak, the ancestor of domestic yak, inha...
PDGFRβ (platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta), and human ether-à-go-go-related gene (hERG) K+ channels [48,49]. Clinical studies have also revealed the association of decreased left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) and QT prolongation as a side effect of lapatinib...
Therefore, we have compiled a list of key phototoxic medications ordered alphabetically (Table 1). The list was assembled based on market data and information from systematic reviews [6,41,86]. An expert reference librarian designed the electronic search of PubMed and EMBASE databases. The ...
–F). FiguFrigeu4r.eC4o.rrCeloartrieolnatoiofnHAofQH-DAIQw-DithI rwaidthiogrraadpiohgicradpehsitcrudcetsiotrnuactniodndiasnedasedaiscetaivseityacsttirvaittiyfiesdtraacticfoierdding to daicsceoarsdeindgutroadtiiosena:seThduerdateiponen: TdheendcyepoefndtheencHy AofQth-De HI sAcQor-De Ifrs...
Also, the genomic position of DE and key lncRNA was used to assess whether they were located in regions of quantitative trait loci (QTL) described in the Animal QTLdb [47]. The structure of some lncRNA were determined using the minimum free-energy and partition function and avoiding ...
Yesterday, I had several emails that were sent to me that I didn't receive them until about 4 hours later. I am seeing this from time to time. I'm not sure...
gF4kTOE1thuxYw+rMVWtnOjDyxvrU/tW0OpCHjvHuv2+LRZO6+PmamwY63mEdJOu Ng9Kdg6CWoB7wzzy/l2Ud8vVUSxU+t/UUnRLsaCKnR3QWlBMcdOS+nhKK/cwbSNq MxRUGCDVBjbDbK8wRAdGiZWXde25lfBWX9WVk1YqR9b4q4cHqaGi+JNip3fcUlXZ 4hou3PNmCtz/Ayfq5mZYg5aF7XFfoBXfCu0OMTZK70olvQtYC/7bDSMnS4D6abmw ...
The list of these papers is available here:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KXqTAyl4j-jVorFPMD2XRpr76LcIKJ0CVyIvRj0exYQ/edit?usp=sharing A more detailed description of this set of papers, suspected to all be generated by a common source, a 'paper mill', can be found here: ...