When the wait time for the ReceiveMessage API action is greater than 0, long polling is in effect. The maximum long polling wait time is 20 seconds. Long polling helps reduce the cost of using Amazon SQS by eliminating the number of empty responses (when there are no m...
Amazon SQS samples several of its servers (in gray) and returns messages A, C, D, and B from these servers. Message E isn't returned for this request, but is returned for a subsequent request. Consuming messages using long polling When the wait time for the ReceiveMessage API act...
After exiting a node process (with control + c for example), it seems the long polling request does not clean up. For example, with this code: sqs.receiveMessage({ WaitTimeSeconds: 20 }, (err, data) => { console.log(data); }); sqs.sendMe...
region_name(string, optional, defaults to'eu-west-1'): AWS region the SQS queue belongs to. poll_interval(integer, optional, defaults to60): polling interval, in seconds, in the case of short polling. MultiSQSListener This object is the main class for the package to instanciate all compon...
So now it the problem, i do not want to checkyyyQueue every minute, to see if there is new message created by the Python Worker, but want to implement long polling on the Laravel App (to monitor theyyyQueue). I am using the Laravel sqs driver in both cases, to send and to re...
使用,在 Amazon SQS 队列上设置属性以启用长轮询功能。SetQueueAttributes 使用长轮询检索一条或多条消息ReceiveMessage。 使用创建长轮询队列CreateQueue。的所有示例代码都可以在此AWS SDK for PHP处找到 GitHub。凭证 运行示例代码之前,请配置您的 AWS 凭证,如 凭证 中所述。然后导入 AWS SDK for PHP,如 ...
Was ist Amazon SQS? Einrichtung Zugehörige Ressourcen Dokumentationsverlauf Einrichtung von Long Polling in Amazon SQS PDF RSS Fokusmodus Hat Ihnen diese Seite geholfen? Ja Nein Feedback geben AWSDokumentationAmazon Simple Queue ServiceEntwicklerhandbuch ...
当ReceiveMessage API 操作的等待时间大于 0 时, 长轮询 生效。最长长轮询等待时间为 20 秒。长轮询通过消除空响应的数量( ReceiveMessage 请求时没有消息可用时)并消除假的空响应(消息可用但未包含在响应中),帮助降低使用 Amazon SQS 的成本。有关更多信息,请参阅
Amazon SQSのロングポーリングを使用して空のレスポンスと偽の空のレスポンスを減らすことで、コストを削減することのメリットについて説明します。
Si no utiliza un AWS SDK para acceder a Amazon SQS o si configura un AWS SDK para que tenga un tiempo de espera más corto, es posible que tenga que modificar su cliente de Amazon SQS para permitir solicitudes más largas o utilizar un tiempo de espera más corto pa...