This paper considers the case where a stochastic process may display both long-range dependence and second-order intermittency. The existence of such a process is established in Anh, Angulo and Ruiz-Medina (1999). We systematically study the estimation of parameters involved in the spectral density...
Gao, J., Anh, V., Heyde, C. and Tieng, Q. (2001) Parameter estimation of stochastic processes with long - range dependence and intermittency. Journal of Ti... This paper considers the case where a stochastic process may display both long-range dependence and second-order intermittency. The...
Anh, V., Wolff, R., Gao, J. and Tieng, Q.: Local linear kernel regression with long-range dependence errors, Aust. New Zealand J. Stat. 41 (4) (1999), 463-479.Anh, V., Wolff, R., Gao, J. and Tieng, Q.: Local linear kernel regression with long-range dependence errors, ...
AnhQueenslandUniversityRodneyQueenslandUniversityWolffQueenslandUniversityJitiQueenslandUniversityGaoQueenslandUniversityQuangQueenslandUniversityTiengQueenslandUniversityWileyAustralian & New Zealand Journal of StatisticsAnh, V., Wolff, R., Gao, J. and Tieng, Q.: Local linear kernel regression with long-range ...
Anh VV, Angulo JM, Ruiz-Medina MD, Tieng Q (1998) Long-range dependence and sec- ond-order intermittency of two-dimensional turbulence. Envi. Model. Soft. 13: 233-238V. V. Anh, J. M. Angulo, M. D. Ruiz-Medina and Q. Tieng, 'Long-range dependence and second- order ontermit...
This paper considers the case where a stochastic process may display both long-range dependence and second-order intermittency. The existence of such a process is established in Anh, Angulo and Ruiz-Medina (1999). We systematically study the estimation of parameters involved in the spectral density...
This paper considers the case where a stochastic process may display both long-range dependence and second-order intermittency. The existence of such a process is established in Anh, Angulo and Ruiz-Medina (1999). We systematically study the estimation of parameters involved in the spectral density...
Targeting them with therapeutics may lead to viral reactivation, which, in combination with other antiviral agents, can create a platform for effective eradication of gammaherpesvirus-associated infections. Also, recent developments in the field of host lncRNA deregulation by gammaherpesvirus latency-...
The increase in Ca10-P in WS may be due to the transformation of Ca2-P and Ca8-P. However, total Ca-P at 0–30 cm in both soils decreased slightly after reflooding, compared to flooding. In both soils, Fe-P decreased after flooding. When soil is subjected to reducing conditions, ...
In Proceedings of the Euronoise 2015, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 31 May–3 June 2015; pp. 218–220. 37. Mietlicki, F.; Mietlicki, C.; Sineau, M. An innovative approach for long-term envinronmental noise measurement: RUMEUR network in Paris region. In Proceedings of the Euronoise ...