Mahak, copy-paste the formula into a script/function editor and use CTRL+F to replace the strings.el
I-T measurement: sample interval, 0.1 s; quiet time, 2 s; sensitivity (A/V), 1 × 10−4 A/V in PBS (0.01 M, pH 7.4). The following equation 1 was used to calculated I response for real-time monitoring signal recording, where Itand Ibreferred to measured data a...
As seen from the results of derivative calculation results in Supplementary Fig.12, the positive groups had an obvious time threshold when compared with the NTC group. Interestingly, the time threshold increased as the concentration of the target DNA increased. This result can be attributed to the...
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Using the equation for normalized Mg thickness (Eq.12 in Supplementary Note 10), the critical time tc (i.e., functional lifetime) can be determined for the resistance to reach a critical value (i.e., R = 500 Ω) by using R ~ 87 Ω, measured from experiments, and ...