5. as long as; so long as (= provided that)→ siempre que + subjunyou can borrow it as long as John doesn't mind→ lo puedes tomar prestado siempre que a John no le importe or si a John no le importa 6. (= through)all day long→ todo el (santo) díaall night long→ toda...
If You like to see overseas dramas and Searching for a more Stage where you can find these dramas using subtitles, you’ll be able to Watch Sub Indo Online Drakor (Nonton Drakor Online Sub Indo) that as well at no cost. We will explore these programs within detail. These programs Offer...
Long Beach enlists student poll workers.Reports on the enlistment of student poll workers during a municipal election at Long Beach, California. Design of legislation to help poll recruitment while educating the youth about voting.EBSCO_AspNations Cities Weekly...
It is probably the love of display that led to the notable monuments from the ancient world. Egyptians had traditionally built in mud-brick, which doesn’t last. Suddenly the 4th dynasty shifted to stone, perhaps influenced by the rather older masonry monuments of the island of Malta. A pyra...
Figure 2 shows the annual cycle of rainfall distribution of different sub-regions in Pakistan. Across the entire region of Pakistan (Figure 2a) and three different climate regions (Figure 2c–e) produce bimodal rainfall distributions where the dominant peak occurs in JJA, and another peak is ob...
Figure 2 shows the annual cycle of rainfall distribution of different sub-regions in Pakistan. Across the entire region of Pakistan (Figure 2a) and three different climate regions (Figure 2c–e) produce bimodal rainfall distributions where the dominant peak occurs in JJA, and another peak is ob...