“Some of the American public’s hesitance to embrace vaccines — the flu vaccine in particular — can be attributed to the long-lasting effects of a failed 1976 campaign to mass-vaccinate the public against a strain of the swine flu virus,”writesRebecca Kreston forDiscover. “This government...
According to this definition, PCC “occurs in individuals with a history of confirmed or probable SARS-CoV-2 infection, when experiencing symptoms lasting at least two months which initially occurred within three months of acute COVID” (Fig. 1). The WHO stated that “symptoms generally have ...
What long-lasting effect did the Aryans have on India? What is the spatial extent of the Kashmir conflict? How long did decolonization take? How long did the cholera outbreak in London last? How long was the polio epidemic? How did the Partition of India end?
What were the long lasting consequences of Apartheid? How long was the Quit India Movement? How long was the polio epidemic? How have definitions of freedom and liberty changed over the course of U.S. history from 1920 to the present?
Worldwide, the leading causes of death could be avoided with health behaviors that are low-cost but also difficult to adopt. We show that exogenous health shocks could facilitate the adoption of these behaviors and provide long-lasting effects on health outcomes. Specifically, we exploit the spati...
This will be a once-a-day pill that comes with a whole slew of fun side effects, including diarrhea, rashs or dry skin (I’m going to need to be very careful in the sun, especially because the skin rash could look like acne with nasty pus-filled bumps). Oh joy. I might also ...
Pandemics have been a long-standing object of study by economists, albeit with declining interest, that is until COVID-19 arrived. We review current knowledge on the pandemics’ effects on long-term economic development, spanning economic and historical debates. We show that all economic inputs ...
The problems of local government finance will receive our urgent attention. They must be considered afresh in the light of present-day conditions. When the effects of the new valuations can be fully measured, we shall review the proportion of the rate burden falling upon the different groups of...
frequently undergo therapies such as chemotherapy and radiation, resulting in side effects that may impair their ability to work for a prolonged duration. During this challenging time, disability insurance can provide essential financial assistance. Many types of cancer may qualify you for benefits, ...
Most of these conditions fall under one of several categories. Cancer Oncological disorders like cancer are among the leading causes of LTD claims. Patients dealing with cancer frequently undergo therapies such as chemotherapy and radiation, resulting in side effects that may impair their ability to ...