11. So long at all event, as the fine weather lasted he was prepared to enjoy himself. 所以,长时间的事件,如晴朗的天气持续,他准备放松自己。 12. Mr Ibbs I would seem sometimes to catch gazing at me with a certain light in his eye-as if, I thought, he was seeing me suddenly for th...
Early British commentators dismissedlengthyas an Americanism. The grammarian H. W. Fowler wrote oflengthythat it was “sometimes used as a jocular of styling synonym forlongbut more commonly and more usefully as implying tediousness as well as length.” Ambrose Bierce rejectedlengthyas “no better...
which lasted even longer (1977–1994) than the one over legalizing abortion (1970–1981). Confessional parties feared that Christian schools, for example, would be forced to employ gay or lesbian teachers. Eventually, a compromise was found by...
Until then tea had been drunk without milk in it. But one day a famous French lady named Madame de Sevigne decided to see what tea lasted like when milk was added. She found it so pleasant that she would never again drink it without milk. Because she was such a great lady her friends...