Anti-Semitic images, slurs and songs were posted on the website of a Jewish school in Long Island on Monday in an apparent hack, video shows. The North Shore Hebrew Academy High School’s homepage was splattered with a Swastika and clip of marching Nazi SS guards, according to the ...
Long island City 11101 516-222-1211 JEWISH HOSPICE OF GREATER NY 6323 Seventh Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11220 718-921-7900 CALVARY HOME HEALTH AGENCY & HOSPICECARE 1740 Eastchester Road, Bronx, NY 10461 718-518-2465 Long Island Sea Burials-Ash Scattering Unattended Scattering of Ashes Attended Scatt...
Jewish couple in Berlin wearing yellow stars, 1941. An American reporter befriends her, invites her to parties at the embassy, passes her goods — peanuts, coffee — now considered contraband. He begins to concoct various escape plans, but the war manages to foil them all. A visa to ...
state Sen. Anna Kaplan avoided some of the political attacks over criminal justice reforms enacted in newly all-blue Albany last year – and ultimately had an easier path to reelection this year. The daughter of Jewish parents who fled Iran during the Islamic Revolution, Kaplan served on the T...
Forrest, Molly
York University. He completed a residency in healthcare administration at the corporate offices of the North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System in Great Neck, and is an adjunct professor of healthcare finance in the graduate program in nursing administration at Adelphi University in Garden City...
edited early drafts ofV.Lilian, he wrote, was getting married to “a nice safe Reformed-temple medical student from her hometown, and this is enough to blight the entire area for me.” A mutual friend, C. Michael Curtis, believes that the nose-job interlude inV.,in which Jewish princess...
jewish interests houses fresh enter bank appears agreed youth trip train teacher subjects rock presented mentioned interesting instance germany cells apartment watched sweet san russian provides opposite lives lady index immediate forced event essential cross campaign solid session recognized reality providence ...