To be honest, it took me some time to hone my skills to create a master list of essentials for long haul flights. On my first plane ride from the United States to Europe, I had made no effort to seek out long-haul flight tips…and I was woefully unprepared. It was a miserable plan...
I happen to be very good at sleeping on planes and sometimes I even fall asleep before take-off. However, if you struggle to sleep on planes you may want to really tire yourself out before the flight. If you get nervous flying long-haul, you could also speak to your doctor about presc...
Since a lot of airlines are SEVERELY lacking in the entertainment department, this is a great solution. I always go into long haul flights armed with a few episodes of my latest obsession (Dark, anyone??). I hope these tips help make your next long haul flight SLIGHTLY less horrible!! D...
Here are some great tips for not only surviving butthrivingduring long flights so you can positively set yourself up for whatreallymatters: your fun trip ahead. So before youbon voyage, check out these essential long haul flight tips. Booking Flights source: gerrie van der walt on unsplash....
7 Tips On What To Wear On A Long Haul FlightMarion Kummerow
Now that she’s back in the United States, she’s sharing her best tips for how to be comfortable on a long haul flight. “How long is that flight?”This question often followed after I told someone I was traveling to Australia. The flight is nearly 24 hours end-to-end. To get to...
Sleep is the #1 tip I can give on how to survive a long haul flight. Take as much as you can get. This really is one of the best tips I can provide you with in regard to what the best things to wear on a long haul flight. Good travel outfits include a hoodie. It’s as simp...
Before spending several hours on a plane, it helps to be prepared. These long-haul flight tips will make even the most epic air journeys more comfortable.
Traveling to a new city, abroad, or hours of flight can turn into a nightmare if you aren’t prepared. But you can reduce the hassle and enjoy your trip with some simple tips. Don’t know? Let us help you out. Below we will discuss sevenways to survive a long-haul flightwithout fe...
5. Re: Tips for long haul flights 13 years ago Save Wear comfortable lace up walking shoes and take them off during the flight. Loosen the laces so that they form large loops through the eyelets. This makes the shoes easy to slip back on when you go for a walk. At the end of ...