网络合成多头期货部位 网络释义 1. 合成多头期货部位 194.合成多头期货部位(Synthetic Long Futures Position):利用买进期货买权,同时卖出期货卖权,并买进无风险性资产, …|基于8个网页
long position;long futures;short position;short futures 在期货交易中,买入合约的投资者预期标的资产价格上涨,称为“持有多头头寸”(long position)或“做多期货”(long futures);卖出合约的投资者预期价格下跌,称为“持有空头头寸”(short position)或“做空期货”(short futures)。题目描述术语正确且完整,符合期货...
承诺买入的纽约投资者持有了所谓的期货多头(long futures),承诺卖出的Kansas投资者持有了所谓的期货空头(short futures…|基于 1 个网页 3. 做多 ...头 多头(long 多头 position)或称为做多(long futures)。|基于 1 个网页...
In order to get out of an open position, it needs to be closed. A long willsell to close; a short willbuy to close. Closing a position thus involves the opposite action that opened the position in the first place. The difference between the price at which the position in a security w...
做多(Long Position) 投资者买入股票、货币等资产并持有,预期价格上涨后卖出获利。例如:“Going long on gold futures reflects bullish market sentiment”(做多黄金期货反映看涨情绪)。 做空(Short Selling) 通过借入资产立即卖出,待价格下跌后低价买回归还,赚取差价。典型操作如:“Hedge fund...
A long hedge represents a smartcost control strategyfor a company that knows it needs to purchase acommodityin the future and wants to lock in the purchase price. The hedge itself is quite simple, with the purchaser of a commodity simply entering a long futures position. A long position means...
Finance.holding or accumulating stocks, futures, commodities, etc., with the expectation of a rise in prices: a long position in chemicals. Gambling. marked by a large difference in the numbers of the given betting ratio or in the amounts wagered: ...
INCY-7.4 ON-7.3 TECH-3.9 US Europe Asia FX Rates Futures Crypto RangeDropdown Markets1D5D1M3M6M1Y2Y Asia Dow4,191.50-4.45-0.11% Nikkei 22538,801.1714.150.04% Hang Seng21,521.98388.441.84% Shanghai3,322.1718.500.56% Sensex77,311.80-548.39-0.70% ...
Hedge funds build big bullish position in US gas Arabica coffee futures on ICE fell to a six-week trough on Wednesday and raw sugar slid to the lowest since early September as the currency in top grower Brazil fell against the US dollar and funds further scaled back long positions. Cocoa ...
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