Effects of variation in fire season on flowering of forbs and shrubs were studied experimentally in two longleaf pine forest habitats in northern Florida, USA. Large, replicated plots were burned at different times of the year, and flowering on each plot was measured over the twelve months follo...
Effects of variation in fire season on flowering of forbs and shrubs were studied experimentally in two longleaf pine forest habitats in northern Florida, USA. Large, replicated plots were burned at different times of the year, and flowering on each plot was measured over the twelve months ...
First I opened the book toward the end, and found that my dream memory was wrong: the wondrous pink cloud tree is not an almond, but a Central Asian flowering apricot, or uriuk. In the book it’s a touching scene. Kostoglotov somehow survives his long siege of hospitalization. At daw...
The hotel is surrounded by a tall brick wall with a beautiful garden in the center filled with fruit trees, tropical flowering plants, and intricate c
In late summer, when leaf dehiscence occurs, stems lodge to form a rhizome. A new individual can be produced from each stem node or older rhizomes [44]. Shoots from rhizomes develop mainly in the fall, over winter, and resume growth the following spring [67], although some may die. ...
Pollen grains are regularly used as markers to determine an insect’s movement patterns or host (plant) feeding behavior, yet conventional morphology-based pollen grain analysis (or palynology) encounters a number of important limitations. In the present
By reducing understory and midstory hardwood density, and enhancing flowering in the groundcover, growing-season fires favor grasses and other herbaceous species. Evidence for ecological benefits of growing-season burning notwithstanding, operational considerations (e.g., smoke production, hunting ...