网络释义 1. 保险 ● 长期照料或疗养院保险(Long-term-care insurance)要注意的地方是很多只保第一级或skilled nursing的疗养院服务,即最严 …|基于5个网页 2. 长期照料或疗养院保险 旅美资讯-了解美国医疗保险的种类 ... ●长期照料或疗养院保险(Long-term-care insurance) ● 牙齿保险( De...
如下介绍的产品特征是基于美国的长期护理险(LTC)。 当受险人自理能力下降或因疾病丧失活动能力时,长期护理险就会生效并承担医疗护理或家政服务的费用。 救济金如何生效:美国的此类保险是否生效是依靠日常自理能力事项(ADLs:Activities of Daily Living)能实现的数量来判断的。 ADLs 通常包括(1)自行洗澡(2)自行穿衣(3...
Long-term care insurance (LTCI) helps pay for the costs of long-term care. An individual does not have to be sick in the traditional sense to need long-term care, it can just be a question of not being able to perform basic activities of daily living, such as cooking, eating, tendin...
1.A research on establishing the long-term care insurance system in China构建我国老年护理保险制度研究 英文短句/例句 1.Aging Population and Study of the Construction of the Nursing for the Aged Insurance System of Our Country;人口老龄化与构建我国老年护理保险体系研究 2.Reform of Japanese Elderly C...
Long-term care insurance coverage provides for the care of people over age 65 or with a chronic or disabling condition who need constant care.
The cost of nursing care for the elderly agrravated their family s burden,so it s necessary to build nursing care insurance system for the elderly. 人口老龄化使越来越多的老年人需要接受长期的护理服务,而传统家庭护理功能正逐渐削弱,老年人护理费用给家庭造成沉重负担,迫切需要建立老年护理保险制度。
What is long term care insurance or LTC i LTC is an insurance product provide for the cost of long-term care for older age people, and Long-term care insurance covers care generally not covered by Health Insurance , Medicare, or Medicaid. Medicaid provides some of the benefits of long-...
长期护理保险(Long-term Care Insurance) 长期护理保险是为因年老、疾病或伤残而需要长期照顾的 被保险人 提 供护理服务费用补偿的 健康保险 魏华林,林宝清.《保险学》[M] .高等教育出版社,2006年3月第2版。 这是一种主要负担老年人的专业护理、 家庭护理及其他相关服务项目费用支出的新型健康保险...
6 things to know about long-term care insurance cost and benefitsLong-term care refers to assistance with medical or personal needs over an extended amount of time. Close to 70% of people turning 65 today will need long-term care at some point in their life,1 making it an issue...
Long-term care insurance can provide valuable financial protections for seniors and older adults. Here's what to know.