结论:建议开发中使用代参的构造器:ArrayList = newArrayList(int capacity) jdk 8 中ArrayList的变化 ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); //底层Object[] elementData初始化为{},并没有创建长度为10的数组 list.add(123); //第一次调用add()时,底层才创建了长度10的数组,并将数据123添加到elementData[0] .....
package com.javadu.innerClass; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.EmptyStackException; public class MyStack<T> { private T[] elements; private int size = 0; private static final int INIT_CAPACITY = 16; public MyStack() { elements = (T[]) new Object[INIT_CAPACITY]; } public voi...
int oldCapacity = table.length; Entry[] oldMap = table;//老的散列表 int newCapacity = oldCapacity * 2 + 1;//为保证散列效果,表长度为奇数 Entry[] newMap = new Entry[newCapacity];.//新的散列表,容量为原来的两倍 modCount++; threshold = (int)(newCapacity * loadFactor);//扩容阈值 tab...
toString(longBuffer.array())); // prLong the LongBuffer capacity System.out.println("\nlongbuffer capacity : " + longBuffer.capacity()); // prLong the LongBuffer position System.out.println("\nlongbuffer position: " + longBuffer.position()); } } ...
Methods in this class that do not otherwise have a value to return are specified to return the buffer upon which they are invoked. This allows method invocations to be chained. Added in 1.4. Java documentation forjava.nio.LongBuffer.
// Java program to demonstrate // mark() method import java.nio.*; import java.util.*; public class GFG { public static void main(String[] args) { try { long[] darr = { 10, 20, 30, 40 }; // creating object of LongBuffer // and allocating size capacity LongBuffer lb = Long...
// Java program to demonstrate // putLong() method importjava.nio.*; importjava.util.*; publicclassGFG{ publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args) { // Declaring the capacity of the ByteBuffer intcapacity=24; // Creating the ByteBuffer try{ ...
// Java program to demonstrate // getLong() method importjava.nio.*; importjava.util.*; publicclassGFG{ publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args) { // Declaring the capacity of the ByteBuffer intcapacity=16; // Creating the ByteBuffer try{ ...
{ // Main driver method public static void main(String[] args) { // Declaring and initializing variable to // the capacity of the LongBuffer int capacity = 5; // try block to check for exceptions try { // creating object of Longbuffer // and allocating size capacity LongBuffer ib =...
Java.Lang.Runtimes Java.Math Java.Net Java.Nio Java.Nio バッファー BufferOverflowException BufferUnderflowException ByteBuffer ByteOrder CharBuffer DoubleBuffer FloatBuffer IntBuffer InvalidMarkException LongBuffer LongBuffer コンストラクター プロパティ ...