Wnt-responsive cells labelled by Axin2 which reside in the border areas of growth plate adjacent to the Ranvier’s groove, are another source of growth plate chondroprogenitors. Axin2+ cells contribute progressively to chondrocytes inside the growth plate from the neonatal to the growing stage, ...
Hybrid-g7-NPs loaded with Bodipy-chol and labelled with Cy5 (Cy5-hybrid-g7-NPs-Bodipy-chol), hybrid-g7-NPs loaded with d6-chol (hybrid-g7-NPs-d6-chol) and hybrid-g7-NPs-chol were prepared and characterized as previously described [19], [20]. Briefly, all NPs were produced via ...
194 lncRNAs are differentially regulated, one of the important ones being lnc-FANCI-2 [109]. lncRNA ANRIL has also been shown to modulate miR-186 and promote cervical cancer [110]. Its up
a RNA-FISH detection of lncRNA-Dnm3os in NIH3T3 cells using Quasar 570 labelled Stellaris oligonucleotide probe. b Flow chart of in vitro chondrogenic differentiation. c RT-qPCR detection of RNAs in primary articular chondrocytes at passages as noted. d, e RT-qPCR detection of ...
Invasive species are a global problem with large ecological and economic costs. A better understanding of how invasive species populations change over time, how these species become integrated into ecosystems, and how their population demographics vary across different environments could help inform ...
aManhattan plot (top panel) based on the FSTvalues of SVs (orange-red boxes), SNPs (blue-green dots) and InDels (dark blue triangles) between the Han and Tibetan cohorts. Overall, 17 SVs with an FST > 0.2 are highlighted (orange-red), and associated genes are labelled (black) wi...
The Preparation of I-131-Labelled Human Growth Hormone of High Specific Radioactivity. Biochem J. 1963;89:114–23. Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Lord A, Gumucio A, Englund H, Sehlin D, Sundquist VS, Soderberg L, Moller C, Gellerfors P, Lannfelt L, Pettersson FE,...
Diffusion in two dimensions, usually referring to movement in the plane of the membrane, such as the motion of fluorescently labelled lipids or proteins measured by the technique offluorescent recovery after photobleaching(FRAP). lateral inhibition ...
In vivo bone marrow homing of labelled cells. TAT-Cre-transduced and LPS- differentiated Ptpn6 þ / þ or Ptpn6f/f cells were incubated with 0.2 mM CellTracker (CT) Green 5-chloromethylfluorescein diacetate (CMFDA; Molecular Probes) or 5 mM CT Orange 5-chloromethyl tetramethylrhodamine, ...
This activity-dependent OL plasticity is presumed to be beneficial for the animal and has been labelled “adaptive myelination”, implying that it can modify the sensory input and/or motor output circuitry to provide a survival advantage (reviewed by [148], [149], [150]). We and others ...