Long Beach Cambodian community marks dark Khmer Rouge anniversaryMellen, Greg
Long BeachMovie Theater ByEdwin Goei There were once 50 independent cinemas in Long Beach. That list has since dwindled down to one: the Art Theater on Long Beach’s Retro Row. And this year, the Art is celebrating its first centennial, which is a particularly notable milestone for a movi...
长滩高棉电视台ABC(Long Beach Khmer TV)1997年采... 索斯丹尼·费尔南德(1923~2006),柬埔寨国人,柬埔寨军事指挥官、高棉共和国领导人之一。法国殖民柬埔寨时期曾加入法国国籍。1951年成为国会议员。进入仕途,50~60年代出任卫生大臣、司法大臣、国家安全大臣。后服役于柬埔寨王家军队,担任柬埔寨王国武装部队中校、第一军区...
Khmer Taste Restaurant则提供正宗的柬埔寨美食。最后,Chanrey Tree是一家以柬埔寨传统菜肴为特色的餐厅。无论您喜欢什么口味,周围的餐厅都能满足您的需求。周边购物地标差隆吴哥精品酒店周围有许多购物地标,包括Angkor Walking Tour Guide、Muoy Chorm时装设计师、Blush Boutique、Angkor Handicraft Association、Blue Apsara ...
Another religious site worth visiting is the Munirangsyaram Pagoda, which showcases the vibrant colors and intricate designs of Khmer architecture. For those interested in history and culture, the Meseum of Tarot is a must-visit. This unique museum showcases a collection of tarot cards and ...
Khmer Temple Photo Special Khmer temple images from our collection Mount Fuji, Tokyo and the 200 mph Bullet Train Gallery Mount Fuji, Tokyo and the 200 mph Bullet Train Mount Fuji, Tokyo and the 200 mph Bullet Train I wallowed comfortably in the exceedingly warm waters, the balmy mountain ai...
d be really awesome to get something like that going on here, because there are so many venues that we could just have free shows and bands all over the place. We really wanted the local community to be able to enjoy it and not just the music sc...
With gray sand being dredged from further into the bay to create the new beach, it is hard to imagine that the Kep beach will become the beautiful tourist attraction it is intended to be. Yet it might not be too long from now that new visitors to Kep delight in what has been created...
The year before, a radical communist political group called the Khmer Rouge took over Cambodia and immediately instituted draconian measures designed to empty the cities and create a utopian collective agrarian society. All citizens suffered, but urbanites, professionals, intellectuals, and other ...
“When we heard that all the bars were being torn down it was so sad to think that all of our Khmer friends were literally told to pack up and leave” James Rainer, British bartender It was just a few years ago that Sihanoukville was hailed as a paradise for Western backpackers, boasti...