2 – The beach and the countryside near Gordon France's summer home in York Harbor, not far from Portsmouth, Maine, are a never- ending source of inspiration for his landscape paintings, even after many years. "Once again, I can stand at my easel for hours" When talking to ...
Initially, we examined the impact ofLegionellainfection on MAIT cells (defined as CD45+TCRβ+ MR1-5-OP-RU tetramer-positive cells) in vivo in a murine model using intranasal (i.n.) infection with liveL. longbeachaein immunocompetent mice. A small (0.4–2%) but distinct MAIT cell popula...
John Canalis
2 – The beach and the countryside near Gordon France's summer home in York Harbor, not far from Portsmouth, Maine, are a never- ending source of inspiration for his landscape paintings, even after many years. "Once again, I can stand at my easel for hours" When talking to ...
Cabbale, inspired by conversations with a Dollar- to" acquaintawe, "to deepen thespiritual depths of the novel." Salloum notes in- stanca where local landmarks or in- dividuals appear in Lowry's work and re"wks that the Dollarton beach cane to represent, both in his Life and \witi"g...
Schulz R, Beach SR, Cook TB, Martire LM, Tomlinson JM, Monin JK: Predictors and consequences of perceived lack of choice in becoming an informal caregiver. Aging Ment Health. 2012, 16 (6): 712-721. 10.1080/13607863.2011.651439. Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Sury L, Burns...
- Address: Oakwood Beach, Chicago, Illinois, 60653 - Want to visit votes on Atlas Obscura: 1,834 - Been here votes on Atlas Obscura: 234 - Rarity ratio: 7.8 There may not be anyrealmermaids swimming in Lake Michigan—but those in the know traveling down Lake Shore Drive through Chicago...
PermaNet 2.0, a deltamethrin (55 mg/m2) impregnated polyester LLIN, manufactured by Vestergaard Frandsen (Switzerland) were provided by the State Health Department for distribution in the study villages. A census of all the households was done in 2013. Based on census, household list with total...
from the 1990s. The stranding parameter in the model thus implies that the fate of plastic debris released to the environment is strongly influenced by the different mechanisms that cause marine litter to be captured by coastal landmasses—by beaching and sedimentation, for example—which represents...
Kavery Nambisan started her writing career with children’s books. Her adult novels include The Scent of Pepper, A Story that Must Not be Told and A Town Like Ours. Her non-fiction book A Luxury Called Health is her most recent work. She also contributes articles and essays to national ne...