Explore the differences between words that have a long U sound and words that have a short U sound with the printable worksheets on this page.
Short vowel sounds do not sound like their corresponding letter names.The short vowel sound generally occurs when there is one vowel in a word, either at the beginning of the word or in between two consonants. When teaching vowel sounds, try using examples such as “if” and “elk” or ...
This page has printable activities and games which requires students to learn the difference between the long o and short o vowel sounds.
These handyCVCE worksheetsare a great way to help kids practicelong and short vowels.These free printablelong and short vowels worksheetsare perfect for first grade and 2nd grade students. Use theshort vowel worksheetsto sound out and then spell CVC and CVCe. These are great for reading and sp...
Long and Short Vowels Reading Practice Game Cards Level: elementary Age: 3-10 Downloads: 34 Short and Long Vowel I Reading Worksheet Level: elementary Age: 3-12 Downloads: 40 Phonetic. Short vowel /I/ and Long vowel /i:/ Level: intermediate Age: 12-17 Downloads: 31 Long and Short Vo...
Looking for more practice with thelong a sound? Check out these free printables: Dot MarkerLong a sound Worksheets PrintableLongAi WordsGame Long a WordsClip Cards SpellingLong A Sound Words Worksheet Identifying long and short vowel sounds worksheets pdf ...
Long vowels are vowel sounds that are pronounced for a longer time than short vowels. They can change the meaning of words. In the word bit, the vowel 'i' is short, but in bite, it's a long vowel sound. Use this worksheet to practice long vowel sounds 'i' and 'o' and consolidate...
Long Vowel A Sound Choose the Correct Vowel Sound: Short or Long A Game Children must choose the correct vowel sound: Short or Long A. 1 RF.1.3.C VIEW DETAILS Long Vowel A Sound Practice Vowel Sounds: Short and Long A Game Polish your language skills by practicing vowel sounds: ...
This set of spelling worksheets focuses on spelling words with long e and ey. These are geared towards a 2nd grade spelling level, but can be used for any kids that are at working on spelling with long e and ey words. Finds lots of 2nd Grade Spelling wo
(Studentssharetheirstoriesandprovidefeedback) 9.作业布置(5分钟) Beforewewrapup,letstalkaboutourhomework.Iwantyoutopracticereadingaloudthestorywereadtodayandcompletethevocabularyworksheetgiven.Additionally,youcanpracticewritingashortparagraphusingatleastfivewordswiththelongvoweliisound. ...