The article emphasizes the need for marketing planners and advertisers to have both long and shortsightedness to allow them to adapt their decisions to market events in Great Britain. Companies must then be able to balance between the short- and long-term events and the corresponding business ...
It was little over a decade ago that there was no such thing as a cure for long or short sightedness, but thanks to the amazing developments with lasers – a safe and relatively cost effective solution has been made available in the form of Lasik laser eye surgery. As the field continues...
longitudinal (long.)纵的 相似单词 longsightedness【医】 远视 longa. 1.长的;远的 2.长久的 3.冗长的;过久的 4.(记忆力)能记得久远的 5.希望渺茫的 6.【语】长音的 ad. 1.长久地 2.始终 n. 1.[U]长时间; flong纸型用纸 klongn. 运河 ...
short sightedness n. 1.近视 2.目光短浅;缺乏远见 far sightedness n. 老花眼 clear sightedness [ clear-sighted ]的相关名词 sharp sightedness n. 目光锐利,观察力敏锐 long a. 1.长的;远的 2.长久的 3.冗长的;过久的 4.(记忆力)能记得久远的 5.希望渺茫的 6.【语】长音的 ad. 1.长久...
Optical device, ophthalmic lens and device for correcting long-sightedness Computers and long-sightedness. Long-sightedness in old wild bonobos during grooming Short- and long-sightedness in horses in the UK “LONGSIGHTEDNESS”: PRE-DONDERS
Related to longsightedness:astigmatism,Short sightedness ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1.longsightedness- abnormal condition in which vision for distant objects is better than for near objects hypermetropia,hypermetropy,hyperopia,farsightedness ...
It results from the eyeball being too short from front to back, causing images to be focused behind the retina. Also called farsightedness, hypermetropia. hy′per·ope′ (hī′pə-rōp′) n. hy′per·o′pic (-ō′pĭk, -ŏp′ĭk) adj. American Heritage® Dictionary of the ...
longsightedness词源英文解释 The first known use of long-sighted was in 1701 longsightedness 例句 1.Across the developing world, straightforward myopia and presbyopia, the medical name for longsightedness, have been linked with everything from high road deaths to low educational achievement and poor...
Related to longsightedness:astigmatism,Short sightedness </>embed</> presbyopia farsightedness ametropia farsightedness hyperopia hypermetropy hypermetropia longsighte... noun Synonyms for longsightedness nounabnormal condition in which vision for distant objects is better than for near objects ...
longsightedness 英文longsightedness 中文【医】 远视