but I probably still wouldn’t recommend it as an introduction to the 3D platformer genre, not when games likeSuper Mario OdysseyorKirby and the Forgotten Landare freely available. I don’t regret my time spent withPac-Man World Re-Pac; after all, it was still entertaining...
Of course, it was going in the opposite direction, but I figured I’d just follow the trail in reverse until I got to the start. Except when I saw the trail made a turn and was going the same way that last week’s Hash took, I decided fuck that and kept going on the Bitch to ...
Typically starting on paper and ending up on screen, digital integration is where traditional and digital media meet. How can you combine pencil and paint with Photoshop and Procreate?Comics/Manga Superheroes! Manga! Zines! Show us your panels and splash pages, both sequential and static. This ...
That is what they were originally made for, after all. But, now everyone wants everything to be able to do everything, including gaming, browsing the web, or even doing small work. Well, in simple terms, everything can actually do almost everything nowadays. Consoles have evolved to the...
Today, photography has become a favourite medium in contemporary art and design, particularly, after the advent of the digital era, and it records, reveals and changes the reality of our daily life. With a mission to develop China’s photography education, contemporary theory and advanced practice...
Netflix's live-action version of the mangaOne Piecemust change its ending. The original manga by Eiichiro Oda has over 1,000 chapters, with no end in sight. Unfinished properties are tricky to adapt, as HBO demonstrated withGame of Thrones. This is especially true for a series as iconic ...