song. I tried tabbing the strumming out to help, along with the bass fills, but really you can do just fine playing only the chords. G Em7 Bm e|---3---3---0---2---2---2---22--| B|---3--33---3--33---3---3---3--33--| G|---0---00---0---00-4--4--...
Even better, the staff of the Songbirds Museum often will take a prized guitar out of its display case and place it into the hands of a visitor, inviting them to play a few chords. If you've ever dreamed of strumming Chuck Berry's 1967 Gibson ES-355TD-SV or Carl Wilson's 1967 Epip...
I wouldn't want to ask people to just give me money cause they like my website, but do please take a quick look at Barger's Boutique. You might find yourself a little something-something for 2 or 3 bucks that you just can't resist! Any of the round images you find around MoreThin...
What's a libertarian? The only real new album that looks even vaguely interesting isby Mary Chapin Carpenter. Haven't heard any of this, but she's about something. I don't think of her as a big commercial powerhouse, but I note that this CD is as high as #2 at Amazon. Other than...