Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: The Lone Ranger might not go down as a legendary flop, but it still ended up as a dud. I wanted to like the film but found little to like on display, as it misfired in most ways. The Blu-ray offers excellent picture and audio
Completed in 2014 in Shanghai, China. Images by Benoit Florençon. Linehouse was asked to create a new modern fast food identity for Lone Ranger; a hot dog shop, incorporating a wild west theme. Replacing the entire...
Departing on his white horse Silver, the Ranger would famously say "Hi-yo, Silver, away!" as the horse galloped toward the setting sun. On the radio and TV-series, the usual opening announcement was: “A fiery horse with the speed of light, a cloud of dust, and a hearty "Hi-yo,...
The Lone Ranger by Bob Stepno “Return with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear” makes a fine introduction to any discussion of newspaper journalism as presented to a 20th century radio audience, but it was best known to radio and TV audiences as the opening line of the adventure...
The other familiar elements were also there early on: Tonto, the mask (made from Dan Reid’s vest), Silver, the theme song. And, of course, those familiar opening lines: “A fiery horse with the speed of light, a cloud of dust and a hearty ‘Hi-yo Silver!’ The Lone Ranger! …...
That being the case, both of us paid attention when a local ranger orientated us to the attractions of Banff National Park as well as gave us practical tips including how to behave in bear country and stay safe. Things like, talking or calling out when trekking, keeping food away from sle...
“Many investors had been skeptical about Disney’sLone Rangerreboot. They were right,” Crockett said. “It was the weekend’s lone misfire, and based on our math, could be pacing for a $190 million write-off.” He had previously predicted a loss of $113 million on the film. That cou...
Part 1: The Opening Scene–Indians are so backward and funny, y’all! The movie opens with a Buffalo Bill-style Wild West Show, set up like a museum of Natural History, and a little kid wanders in dressed like the Lone Ranger, eatin’ some peanuts, lookin’ at the buffalo, then, ...
Lone Ranger, renegade lawman in the American West, a fictional character of American radio and television programs, books, films, and comics. In all media the Lone Ranger fictions are similar. John Reid was born in 1850 and was the sole survivor of a gro