而这些被外界称为为“虎崽”(Tiger Cubs)的门徒在老虎基金关闭后创建了众多成功的对冲基金。 到今天,Robertson已经帮助过40多个对冲基金经理创立自己的公司,而这其中最出色,最成功的“虎崽”之一就是创立孤松资本(Lone Pine Capital)的基金经理斯蒂芬.曼德尔(Stephen Mandel)。 曼德尔于1997年离开了老虎基金,创办了自己...
Transportation: Had bark and wooden canoes, preferably made from cypress. Though pine, poplar, and other wood canoes also existed. Southeastern Woodland warfare often took a great deal of ritual preparation and during such conflicts, warriors would often leave distinguishing signs to show who committe...