William Blake——London赏析英文版威廉布莱克 《伦敦》评析.pdf,概述:在工业化的英国城市中,古老的伦敦被严重破坏,人们生活在贫困和黑暗之中。诗人和建筑师威廉·布莱克描绘了这个悲惨的城市景象。描述:第1段(第一句):伦敦是一条充满商业气息的街道,其中有一些富裕
The poemLondonwas written by the British poet and engraver William Blake. Ithas 4 quatrainswith alternative lines rhyming.Written in iambic pentameter, the poem is beautifully rhymed. Londondeals with the dreadful scene in the industrialized Londonin the 18thcentury. In the first stanza, Blake give...
3、iam Blake. It has 4 quatrains with alternative lines rhyming. Written in iambic pentameter, the poem is beautifully rhymed. London deals with the dreadful scene in the industrialized London in the 18th century. In the first stanza, Blake gives an overview of the city and successfully creates...
内容提示: William Blake——London 赏 析英文版(威廉布莱克 《伦敦》 评析) London I wander thro’ each charter’ d street, Near where the charter’ d Thames does flow. And mark in every face I meet Marks of weakness, marks of woe. In every cry of every Man, In every Infants cry of ...
LONDON—WILLIAM BLAKE 星级: 17 页 [精品]London—William Blake 星级: 3 页 london_William_Blake 星级: 12 页 london William Blake 星级: 12 页 London William Blake 星级: 15 页 london_william_blake 星级: 12 页 William Blake——London赏析英文版(威廉布莱克 《伦敦》评析) 星级: 2 页...
london_William_Blake 热度: 精品 感谢下载载 London Iwanderthro’eachcharter’dstreet, Nearwherethecharter’dThamesdoesflow. AndmarkineveryfaceImeet Marksofweakness,marksofwoe. IneverycryofeveryMan, IneveryInfantscryoffear, Ineveryvoice:ineveryban, ...
LondonByWilliamBlake作品赏析课件 WorksWorks Blake’spoetrylargelydividedinto2groups:Blake’spoetrylargelydividedinto2groups: lyricalpoems:lyricalpoems:“PoeticalSketches”“PoeticalSketches” (poetryofages12(poetryofages12--20),“Songsof20),“Songsof ...
爱问办公提供优质的【William Blake——London赏析英文版(威廉布莱克 《伦敦》评析).doc】下载,可编辑,可替换,下载即用,方便快捷,提升工作效率。更多【William Blake——London赏析英文版(威廉布莱克 《伦敦》评析).doc】资料,立即下载使用吧!
LondonByWilliamBlake作品赏析 Somesongsfrom“Innocence”:“TheEchoingGreen”,“TheLamb”,“TheLittleBlackBoy”,“TheLittleBoyLost”,“TheLittleBoyFound”,“Nurse’sSong”,“TheChimneySweeper”,“InfantJoy”---descriptionofthehappyconditionofachildbeforeheknowsthepainsofexistence,optimistic,hopeful,openand...
《London By William Blake 作品赏析课件》.ppt,He presents London through his observation: sight and hearing. What is the speaker seeing and hearing in London? He sees despair in the faces of the people he meets and hears fear and repression in their voice