The greatest variation in results was seen in median time to dispatch; these results will allow services to discuss and compare their dispatch methods. This is the first collaborative benchmarking exercise of its type in UK pre-hospital critical care and allows a unique opportunity for ...
It might not be the tightest, side-splitting, or most narratively propulsive show around, but I can't deny I had a good time. Smiling and laughing as part of an audience still feels alien (and likely will for a while yet) and honestly, it's nice to watch something that's pure ...
MethodsThis audit included trauma patients presenting by ambulance to QMC resus over a 10-day period. The following was assessed for each patient: stability (stable/unstable), time of transfer (before/during/after handover), length of handover (seconds), time to primary survey (minutes), and ...
but all without any real reason. And the proof is in the pudding: the strongest and most interesting bits in the film are also the plainest and the ones where the director focused just on hisactors(or actually non-actors apparently) to tell the story of a broken...
“Well, well,” Sir Julius replied unabashed. “One doesn’t need to be a dab at arithmetic to handle the finances of the State, thank heaven! Why, there was one of my predecessors who didn’t even know what decimal points were, and when he saw them for the first time—” ...
There will always be women who cling to a particular style of dress because they wore it during the time of their greatest happiness, but white hair is the only excuse for this type of eccentricity. Women are most fascinating between the ages of 35 and 40 after they have won a few races...
We used real-world data to examine health-care resource use and to investigate drivers of costs during active disease versus remission. We tested the hypothesis that active disease would be associated with use of more health-care resources and greater costs than remission. We also examined the ...
Third, we examine whether the exposure effects differ for exposure in infancy versus early childhood. In all robustness checks, we run our analyses only on the three main outcomes: educational attainment, fluid intelligence and respiratory disease. 6.1. Definition of treated and control districts We...
We have loved living here, but the time has come for a change of scenery and a new adventure, and recently, I decided that new horizons were beckoning. I started to look at smaller houses and flats elsewhere ( this was to be a downsize – my eldest son, Rob, and his girlfriend Marl...
that day in which he admitted for the first time the gravity of the situation: “This is the worst public health crisis for a generation . . . I must level with you, level with the British public — more families, many more families are going to lose loved ones before their ...