Enjoy sweeping views of the capital from London's free Sky Garden, ideal for a romantic evening or a wander through lush indoor gardens. Get tickets now.
London Sky Garden viewing gallery & bar at the Walkie Talkie is open for visits. Book free tickets and catch stunning views over the city.
87. 乘坐DLR 在 Island Gardens下车, 穿过泰晤士河下的格林威治步行隧道, 在天文台上远眺壮丽风景。 88. 在Sky Garden 上可以360°俯瞰整个伦敦, 尤其是日出和日落时分, 仿佛给美丽纯洁的天空抹上了一层淡淡的玫瑰色。 并且,这里还是免费的噢! 89. 在Tamesis Dock看夕阳, 点一份薯条和葡萄酒,就能一直待到晚上。
46. Sky Garden 9.1 20 Fenchurch St, 伦敦, Greater London Scenic Lookout· City of London · 298 tips and reviews Alan Brutenic: Amazing views of London from 35th floor. Free entrance, book your time slot at skygardentickets.com. If you hungry, there are two restaurant and one coffee bar...
想要欣赏伦敦的全景,无论日景还是夜景,登高望远是最有利的。伦敦两大热门看全景去处分别是Sky Garden和The Shard。碎片大厦是全欧第二高的大厦,其外观设计独特而精美。大厦的69层和72层都可以供游客欣赏伦敦全景。坐在碎片大厦的360度环绕的落地窗前,从白日等到夕阳西下,再到华灯初上,绝对是美的享受。
Seething Lane Gardens 100米 Trinity Square Gardens 110米 St Olave's Church 120米 SAW: Escape Experience London 150米 热门地标 伦敦塔 330米 伦敦塔桥 620米 伦敦眼 3.0公里 大本钟 3.4公里 国家美术馆 3.5公里 距离最近的地标 City Of London Medical Centre ...
4.Re: Sky Garden same day tickets 1 year ago We were allowed as walkins at The Lookout, 8 Bishopsgate which is a 10 minute walk from Sky Gardens. Reply Report inappropriate content Armrest dominance London, United... 26,482 posts
Queen Mary’s Gardenshas more than 12.000 roses planted, and can be visited for free! It is located in Regent’s Park. If you read this and instantly thought “oh boys, that’s boring!?”, well it is not actually. 12.000 roses, an open-air theatre, and the Delphinium border have fu...
London is a famously green city – nearly half of its many square miles is parks, heaths and other open space. A lot of that open space, though, consists of pr