It comprised 2700 homes in all, housing a population of almost 10,000 at peak, in 16 four- to fourteen-storey so-called ‘snake blocks’ (including what was allegedly the largest single housing block in Europe). Designed by Southwark Council’s Department of Architecture and Planning, it was...
伦敦行政区划 London是指伦敦大都市本身,而the Cityof London则是 London 的市中心区域,拥有独立的行政与立法权限,位阶较高,或可称为“伦敦城”,伦敦人简称为the City。 伦敦的行政区划分为伦敦城和32个市区,伦敦城外的12个市区称为内...
With the release of figures from the 2011 census, it became apparent that London’s population had already reached 8.2 million in 2011 and is now expected to grow to between 9.7 and 10 million by 2031, a 9% to 12% increase on the forecasts used to date. That increase in population brin...
In a sign of the growing desperation for tens of thousands of displaced civilians, people in Khan Younis-a southern city that has doubled in population since residents fled there from bombed-out Gaza City-broke into the United Nations’ warehouse and took food supplies. That left the U.N. ...
Chongqing had been a fixed target. What was to come next was only a rough sketch. The Yangtze ‘Old’ and New From Ritz to Rubble Guizhou was to be our next province, China’s poorest but most demographically diverse province. Almost two-fifths of the population belong to ethnic minority ...
• The Council redresses the imbalance in spending of its existing budget for sport – an imbalance pointed out in a report it itself commissioned – to focus more resources on the very high youth population in the borough, thus reducing the costs to schools, who currently face enormous pres...
It was from these flats that for a child the rest of London was a playground, where the impact of war would be seen both in the distance and in his own block of flats and where a 14 year old would see the horrendous human consequences of the bombing of a civilian population. It was...
England is the largest of the four countries,and for convenience it is divided roughly into three zones.The zone nearest France is called the South of England,the middle zone is called the Midlands and the one nearest to Scotland is known as the North.You find most of the population ...
By the early 12th century the population of London was about 18,000 (compare this to the 45,000 estimated at the height of Roman Britain). In 1123 St. Bartholomew's Priory was founded in the city, and other monastic houses quickly followed. At one point in the medieval period there were...
It was estimated about the year 1883 that the total Jewish population of London then numbered 47,000 persons. Of these, 3,500 were Sephardim (including 500 "Reformers"); 15,000 could trace their descent from the Ashkenazim of the eighteenth century; 7,500 from Jews who had settled in Engl...