解析 名胜places of interest; 例如such as; 大本钟和白金汉宫Big Ben and Buckingham Palace.根据句意要用一般现在时.故答案为:London has many places of interest, such as Big Ben and Buckingham Palace. London has many places of interest, such as Big Ben and Buckingham Palace....
62. What are the places of interest in London?相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 1. 大本钟和英国国会大厦 2. 伦敦塔桥 3. 白金汉宫 4. 大英博物馆 5. 伦敦眼 6. 圣保罗大教堂 7. 伦敦塔 8. 自然历史博物馆 9. 泰特现代美术馆 10. 温莎城堡 伦敦作为英国首都,拥有众多历史遗迹和文化景点。著名的伦敦...
【文化知识】Places of Interest in London CulturalBackground—PlacesofInterestinLondon BuckinghamPalace BuckinghamPalaceisQueenElizabethII’sofficialresidence(寝宫).TheStateRooms(国事厅)inithavebeenopentothepublicfortheSummerOpeningsince1993.Atfirst,theSummerOpeningwasconsideredawaytoraise(筹集)moneyforrepairing...
CulturalBackground—PlacesofInterestinLondonBuckingham Palace is Queen Elizabeth II’s official residence(寝宫). The State Rooms(国事厅)in it have been open to the public for the Summer Opening since 1993. At first,the Summer Opening was considered a way to raise(筹集) money for repairing ...
小学英语 London - The Places of Interest ThePlacesofInterest ItisthelongestriverinLondon andthesecondlongestone intheUnitedKingdom.Itstotallengthis215milesand NorthSea.itflowsintothe Therivercontainsover 8Oislands.London'sTowerBridgeisoneofthemostrecognizablebridgesintheworld.ItisclosetotheTowerofLondon,...
【解析】观察句子,整理个部分意思:please意思是“请”;write意思是“写”,句子谓语;some意思是“一些”,修饰名词;places of interest意思是“名胜古迹”,是动作“写”的宾语;in London意思是“在伦敦”,此处是介词短语作定语修饰“名胜古迹”。故整句话意思是“请写一些伦敦的名胜古迹。”反馈...
【答案】Three【核心短语/词汇】placesofinterest:名胜古迹【翻译】这篇文章中提到了伦敦多少个名胜古迹?【解析】根据文章“ThissquareisTrafalgarSquareanditisthemiddleofLondon. ”(这个广场就是特拉法加广场,它是伦敦的中心。);“ThisisBuckinghamPalace. TheQueenliveshere.”(这是白金汉宫。女王住在这。);“Behindthe...
We are very amazed at the places of interest in London.
Places of Interest in London УчительанглийскогоязыкаМБОУСОШ№27 КнязеваЮлияИвановна Parks and gardens Westminster Abbey Museums Famous people Other sights 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20...
Places of Interest in London ДостопримечательностиЛондона Answer the questions Do you like to read books? Are you playing at the moment? Does your sister want a computer? Is your brother listening to music? Do you go to school every day? Are your pare...