伦敦商业与金融学院(London School of Business and Finance),简称LSBF,是英国的一所私立商学院。LSBF归营利性教育集团Global University Systems拥有,由企业家亚伦·埃廷根(Aaron Etingen)于2003年创立。到2015年,它已成为英国最大的私立大学之一。LSBF的主要基地在伦敦,并在Tower Hill和Holborn设有办公地点。
统计学,会计金融,微观经济学,数据分析以及个人职业发展(Data Analytics for Management, Finance & Acc...
以考试为导向。LBS 的考核基本不划分绩点,替代为 ABC 的评级,而大部分同学其实都会拿到 A 或 B,所...
特别是corporate finance这个领域去打基础的。核心的课程,比如说有mergers and acquisitions,capital struct...
伦敦商学院已经默默地开始了他的pre course课程。大部分学生需要在一个月内完成finance, accounting 以及...
The article reports on a £two million loss posted by the London Metropolitan University (London Met) following the collapse of its partnership with private college, the London School of Business and Finance. The London Met is seeking more than £750,000 in a dispute with the institution. ...
Heythrop College,University of London伦敦大学海斯洛普学院 University of the Highlands and Islands高地与群岛大学 University of Huddersfield哈德斯菲尔德大学 University of Hull赫尔大学 The London Institute of Banking and Finance伦敦银行与金融学院 Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine (Imperial Coll...
Finance(金融学) 学位类型:硕士专业方向:经济与金融 申请咨询 Engineering with Finance(金融工程) 学位类型:硕士专业方向:工科 申请咨询 Construction Economics and Management(建筑经济与管理) 学位类型:硕士专业方向:商科 申请咨询 Management Science and Innovation(管理科学与创新) ...
Offering 36 undergraduate and over 140 postgraduate and doctorate degrees in 25 departments, LSE’s rich academic portfolio covers the whole spectrum of social sciences disciplines from anthropology and sociology to accounting and finance.LSE has students from about 140 countries all over the world ...
QMUL boasts nine Nobel Prize laureates among its former staff and alumni. Approximately 45% of the university's student population comprises international students. Popular Fields of StudyDentistry Pharmacology and Pharmacy Accounting and Finance Drama, Dance and Cinematics General Engineering ...