这首诗对伦敦不断发展的工业进行了批评,认为它是一种奴役的工具。 《London》BY WILLIAM BLAKE I wander thro' each charter'd street, Near where the charter'd Thames does flow. And mark in every face I meet Marks of weakness, marks of woe. In every cry of every Man, In every Infants cry ...
And blights with plagues the Marriage hearse “London” by William Blake.
英语诗歌london解析如下:《伦敦》出自William Blake的《经验之歌》。本诗创作于1794年,正值英国第一次工业革命期间的经济飞速上升阶段。但是繁荣的背后却是工业污染和阶级压迫。此诗淋淋尽致地描述了当时经济繁荣与精神压抑并存的状态。我们可以通过对诗歌的结构分析得出诗歌主题。\"London\" from \"Songs ...
《伦敦》出自William Blake的《经验之歌》。本诗创作于1794年,正值英国第一次工业革命期间的经济飞速上升阶段。但是繁荣的背后却是工业污染和阶级压迫。此诗淋淋尽致地描述了当时经济繁荣与精神压抑并存的状态。…
William Blake——London赏析英文版威廉布莱克 《伦敦》评析.pdf,概述:在工业化的英国城市中,古老的伦敦被严重破坏,人们生活在贫困和黑暗之中。诗人和建筑师威廉·布莱克描绘了这个悲惨的城市景象。描述:第1段(第一句):伦敦是一条充满商业气息的街道,其中有一些富裕
英国古诗《London》的赏析谁可以帮帮我啊~~~我都找了好久都没有找到~对与这诗我真没办法了作者是WILLIAM BLake主要是他的修辞手法,主题,中心思想
LondonByWilliamBlake作品赏析课件 Works Blake’spoetrylargelydividedinto2groups:lyricalpoems:“PoeticalSketches”(poetryofages12-20),“SongsofInnocence”,“SongsofExperience”propheticpoems:“Visionsofthe DaughtersofAlbion”,“America”,“TheFrenchRevolution”,“Jerusalem”,“TheBookofLos”,“TheBookofUrizen...
London By William Blake 作品赏析课件 Life and Literary Career (1757-1827) Engraver, painter, printer and poet At age 4, had a vision of God, later saw a tree full of angels Went to a drawing school at 10, thus began his career as an artist Started writing poetry in his teens (12)...
In the first stanza, Blake gives an overview of the city and successfully creates the glo 4、omy, dark and suffocating atmosphere. Blake applies varied rhetorical devices in the poem, of which the most striking and significant is repetition. For example, the word “chartered” is reiterated in...
What had happened five years before Blake published this poem? The Russian Revolution The French Revolution The Industrial Revolution They built the Revolution at the Pleasure Beach 3. Multiple Choice 20 sec 1 pt What type of narrator is used in London? First person Second person Third...