我们学习的内容基本上也是围绕finance,特别是corporate finance这个领域去打基础的。核心的课程,比如说有m...
英国伦敦商业金融学院(London School of Business Finance,LSBF)是一所规模庞大、享负盛名,并得到英国皇室(肯特郡迈克尔亲王)全力支持的商业管理类院校,是英国的权威机构认证的指定学校(Listed Bodies)之一,拥有授予高等学位课程的权利。
学校概况 英国伦敦商业金融学院(London School of Business and Finance)是一所规模庞大、享负盛名,并得到英国皇室(肯特郡迈克尔亲王)全力支持的商业管理类院校。学院的研究生/硕士课程是全球少数同时获得世界三大权威商学教育认证(英国工商管理硕士协会(AMBA)、欧洲商学院质量认证体系(EQUIS)、国际商学院联合会(AACSB)的...
学生年龄大:LBS主要的学生构成是MBA,其次是Master in Finance (需要五年左右工作经验)和我们MIM。因此整个学校的氛围和一般的学校还是很不同的。我们更是一个business school, 而不是一个university,学校的主流活动更多是围绕career/social life进行的,比如career service, company presentation, networking, on campus ...
London School of Business and Finance offers a range of innovative education programs: MBA, MIB, ACCA, CIM and financial courses, London, UK.
英国伦敦商业金融学院(London School of Business and Finance)是一所规模庞大、享负盛名,并得到英国皇室(肯特郡迈克尔亲王)全力支持的商业管理类院校。学院的研究生/硕士课程是全球少数同时获得世界三大权威商学教育认证(英国工商管理硕士协会(AMBA)、欧洲商学院质量认证体系(EQUIS)、国际商学院联合会(AACSB)的商学院课程...
1 London Business School’s Master (硕士学位) in Finance (金融) is a specialist program de- signed for people pursuing a successful career in finance. It can be completed in nine months of full-time study or in two years of part-time attendance at the school. The Master in Finance is ...
London Business School is a business school which was established in 1964 and offers masters, executive education and PhD degrees in various streams of management science ranging from finance to digital transformation and innovation. The university strongly emphasises creating and multiplying social transfor...