Find every English-taught Master's degree from Imperial College London Business School, organised by subjects and best info to help you select the right degree.
In a competitive job market, technical skills alone are not enough. Our Masters in Analytics and Management (MAM) equips you with a robust toolkit by combining London Business School’s superb reputation and world-class faculty in general management with cutting-edge data analytics. This unique o...
Over 90% of Graduate Masters students at London Business School are international, with over 110 nationalities represented on campus. To attract the world’s brightest applicants, the School also provides a number of international scholarships, including their: ...
London Business School Masters of Finacial Analysis Masters in Management 【MFA捷报】 👇 MFA - 喜报瞬间 左右 【MiM捷报】 👇 MiM - 喜报瞬间 左右 项目介绍 MFA 金融分析硕士项目是常年排名第一的金融硕士项目,市场12~16个月(商学院提供可选的第四学期),课程主要围绕金融相关的模型搭建、交易模拟及估值...
London Business School (LBS) is an institution. It focuses on postgraduate business education and research. The institution offers a range of programs that include MBA, Masters, PhD, and executive education. It serves a community of students and professionals seeking to improve their skills in var...
录取学校与专业:London Business School: Masters in Management 录取时间:2020.3.2 伦敦商学院 (英文:London Business School,LBS)是一所国际化商学院 ,为伦敦大学的两个研究生院之一,不提供本科教学,只提供金融和管理学方向的研究生课程。学院坐落于伦敦市中心,紧靠皇家公园摄政公园。伦敦商学院历来被认为是欧洲最顶...
欧洲顶尖商学院——伦敦商学院(London Business School,简称LBS)2023年入学申请现已开放! 作为英国商学院的“最强王者”,伦敦商学院也是获得美国国际商学院联合会(AACSB)、欧洲质量发展认证体系(EQUIS)及英国工商管理硕士协会(AMBA)三重认证的商学院! 共有100余位会计、经济、金融、管理等领域的,来自 30多个国家及地... You deserve the best. Choose one of the best 1000 Business schools in 154 countries. We serve each year over 9.000.000 students accross the world. United Kingdom School rank Key icons Additional information / brochure ...
MBA concentration in luxury management London Business School, ranked n°8 at Eduniversal Bests Masters Ranking