诲知留学整理该项目信息如下:院校名称:London Business School(LBS)院校名称中文:伦敦商学院项目名称:Masters in Finance(需要全职工作经验)项… 伦敦商学院分析和管理硕士项目介绍 诲知留学 读全球top50名校,去世界500强企业探索未来 诲知留学整理该项目信息如下:院校名称:London Business School(LBS)院校名称中文:伦敦...
Masters in Finance Consistently ranked number 1 in the world by the Financial Times #1 MBA programme Has been ranked number 1 in the Forbes rankings. #2 Business school in Europe Has been ranked number 2 by the Financial Times. #3 Masters in Management Has been ranked number 3 in the worl...
还有part-time的Masters in Finance,但是这个program,它需要好几年的工作经验,只有MFA这一个项目是可以...
专业:Masters in Finance Full-time/金融学硕士全职 语言要求:非母语/纯英语学习、纯英语工作不足两年需提交 GRE/GMAT:需要提供,只有极少人可以豁免 其他要求:工作经验是与金融密切相关的领域,金融相关产品的大量了解 推荐信:2封,至少一封为工作推荐信
伦敦大学伦敦商学院 London Business School 院校概况 伦敦商学院是伦敦大学下属的一所研究生学院,作为一个精英教学中心,该校成立于1965年。伦敦商学院提供的课程包括:商学管理硕士班(MBA)、财务硕士班(Masters in Finance)、高阶主管商学管理硕士班(EMBA)、博士班等等,另外还提供国际企业高层经理有关商学和财务的教育...
伦敦商学院(London Business School,LBS)是一所国际化商学院 ,为伦敦大学的两个研究生院之一,不提供本科教学,只提供金融和管理学方向的研究生课程。学院坐落于伦敦市中心,紧靠皇家公园摄政公园。 伦敦商学院历来被认为是欧洲最顶尖的商学院,同时也是全球最顶尖的10所商学院之一。2011年,该校连续第三年被金融时报...
ESCP Business Schoolwas founded in 1819. The School has chosen to teach responsible leadership, open to the world and based on European multiculturalism. Six campuses inBerlin,London,Madrid,Paris,TurinandWarsaware the stepping stones that allow students to experience this European approach to management...
The School awards over 1,000 degrees every year, across MBA, Executive MBA, Masters in Finance, Sloan Fellow and PhD programmes and has most recently added Masters in Management to its portfolio. The Executive Education team offers a portfolio of over 30 open programmes as well as custom-desig...
London Business School London Business School is recognized for its demanding academic offerings, varied student population, and robust ties to the business sector. The institution provides various programs, such as the MBA, Executive MBA, Masters in Finance, and numerous executive education courses. ...