1155 OOccttoobbeerr 22001155 were condUuscintegdctoontarsocveerrtsaieins stuhrerocuanudseinsgomf tehdeicsahlotretfaatmll.ent of AIDS patients in developing countries as a case we Results: Iunn2d0e0r9li-n2e0t1h0e, 5o5p%poortfutnhietysafonrctpiolniteicdapl ochstasnogfesd,rtuhgroinugsphepc...
We defined an HHD patient cohort (n = 4,268) in the Penn Medicine BioBank dataset using diagnosis code ICD-10: I11* for HHD. We constructed a disease-disease map of HHD comorbidities using the Ising model, a type of Markov Random Field undirected probabilistic graphical model. We estimated...